Gpu crash/d3d device removed error?

Frequency to normal … lol the normal frequency?

Same issue on same gpu…After you comments, i set it to Silence mode to see behavior. At the moment the error does not apear any more. Thanks for the hit!

I got the issue after trying to overclock my GPU (RTX 3080TI) using GigaByte Aorus engine,
Unfortunately removing the OC setting didn’t solve the problem,
However, reinstalling Nvidia drivers (I’m using the Game Ready driver) solved it.
Note: I checked the perform a clean installation option when reinstalling.

Obligatory sharing of my most popular link :
Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost.

I have a MSI laptop and what did the trick for me was i had set it to “Extreme Performance” mode in the Dragon Center, i went into the advanced settings and changed all the OC parameters to default.

This worked for me. Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, it solves my problem

One Thing I did to fix it was to turn steam vr home off in steam vr settings when trying to make vr games in unreal engine 5.1


I have been cruising along without too many issues for some time, but today that changed. My biggest issue in the grand scheme of things has been with crashes related to Metahumans. I had switched to the Game Ready driver some time ago, and that did help somewhat. The 527.56 (12/8) version has been pretty solid for me, but I decided to try the latest version (528.02) today, and the crashes came back with a vengeance. I had made a backup before installing the newest driver, which is a good thing, because just reinstalling the 527.56 version didn’t fix it.
I’m mostly running 5.1 these days, on Windows 11, with a 3090.

I ran into this recently when running two instances of 5.1 on Win11 with a 3090. Enabling Virtual Textures worked for me. Thanks for this thread!

Chimming in with the same problem. AMD (16 vram) card, no overlays, no overclocking, no special features enabled in their Adrenaline control panel, TdrDelays are up, toggling Lumen, brand new project 5.x examples or marketplace ones crash with dx12.

Linking another relevant thread:

Just got this error too on UE5.1


DefaultEngine.ini (1.3 KB)
Hello everyone. Try using these settings for the Default Engine Config. It is working for me. Please let me know if it works for you.

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please specify the folder for this settings

The “GPU crash/D3D device removed” error typically indicates a problem with the graphics card or driver. It usually occurs when the GPU driver crashes or stops responding, causing the operating system to reset the device. This error can be caused by various factors, including overheating, outdated drivers, or faulty hardware.

Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check for overheating: Make sure that your GPU is not overheating by checking the temperature using a monitoring software. If the temperature is too high, try cleaning the GPU or replacing the thermal paste.
  2. Update drivers: Ensure that you have the latest drivers installed for your GPU. You can visit the manufacturer’s website to download and install the latest drivers.
  3. Check for faulty hardware: If none of the above steps work, it’s possible that your GPU may be faulty. You can try running diagnostic tools to check the hardware for any issues.
  4. Check game settings: Ensure that your game settings are not set too high for your GPU to handle. Try reducing the graphics settings to see if the error goes away.

If the above steps don’t work, you may want to consider seeking professional help or contacting the manufacturer for assistance.

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I just recently ran into this issue. Just started building out my level, only items in the map were default lightning from the first person map, and the static meshes from a marketplace pack. After reviewing the thread, I tried the path of least involvement. Within project settings, I ticked ‘Use Fixed Frame Rate’ and set the ‘Fixed Frame Rate’ to 20. The rationale for setting it to 20 was to give myself a buffer. This seems to be working for me. It should hopefully allow me to setup my level streaming volumes and sublevels so that I can hide/view what I need to when I need to.

I just had to update my nvidia driver, running on rtx 2070 super.

I only encounter this issue while rendering. And doing silly things while render. I stopped using PP volumes and added everything to the cine camera itself. However most importantly, I was trying to custom render at a FPS lower than the fixed rate of 30. Adjusted to 30 fixed my problem.

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any1 figure out any real, common denominators as to what actually causes the D3D glitch SPECIFICALLY? as i get that crash glitch on 5.2, using an Alienware (read as craplienware) Aurora R12, RTX 3060Ti, 8 Cores, 16Gb Ram ( not sure how much VRam, 12? maybe idr X_X ) …
i just wanna be able to actually run the Engine without it burnning up my crappy overrated PC, so i can finally start properly teaching myself to Program with AN Engine at all …
[ with all the myriad of answers to various incarnations of the D3D crash & shaz since before May 2022, i’m even LESS sure i’ll ever get past this than when i started reading … feels hopeless & pointless ] :sob: :face_with_head_bandage: :skull_and_crossbones:

That’s your problem right there - and it could actually be coupled to something else maxing out and overheating, but chanches are you are just running out of Vram.

First of all, you can learn on a potato.
Stuff doesn’t have to “look good” unless you are specifically working to become a technical artist.

Second of all, don’t use unreal.
Theres a billion and one other engines out there that do it better to begin with, have more labor request (matter more on your resumè), and don’t require re-learning half the engine after you think you finished learning just because the learning material (approved by the makers that is) is so flawed that it is inapplicable to any real world application.

If you are trying to learn art - learn art.
If you are trying to learn coding - start with c++ OOP.
Assuming you are just someone (any age) interested in learning, that would be a safe first step, since both subjects are applicable to any engine.