I recently made a random level, and wanted to add GI, but it didn't work... Nothing in the scene changes.... No lights, nothing... I'm using dynamic lighting, if that matters (I hate static, as my laptop isn't very high end *it has a 940mx 4gb with 16gb ram and i5* and it takes ages for building up lighting).. I used chameleon post process from marketplace as well as tried using the native post process which comes with the engine.. but the GI doesn't seem to work at all... It worked just fine in 4.19.. (I converted my project from 4.19 to 4.23.. and possibly, I'll convert it to 4.24 once it comes out)... What could be the reason for GI not working??? I've tried everything I could, from the project settings and engine reference etc... Nothing works... Also, I have one more question, how do I get light shafts (god Rays) from an offscreen light source?? Volumetric fog only renders god Rays when the light source is in the view.. so, without using a mesh or some stuff like that, how do I get god Rays??