Ghosting in moving foliage in Unreal Engine 5

I have trying to create an environment with tones of grass and other foliage assets, but as soon as I enable the wind the foliage a bit far away tend to become blurrier or ghosted. I thought it was becoz of low end hardware but then I tested it on my 4090 but the issue stayed the same. This issue is not that apparent in megascans tree though. Can anyone tell me some kind of solution to implement to mitigate this, its quite distracting in the viewport?

It’s a known issue with the default antialiasing setting. Go into your project settings and try different AA settings to see what you prefer.

Make sure you are outputting velocity in the foliage material parameters. Note: turning this on will not help the smearing with TSR is on. Turn on FXAA or TAA with these Cvars

r.AntiAliasingQuality=3 -make sure you put that first to stop ghosting.



r.TemporalAA.Algorithm=0 (UE4’s secret TSR prototype)


Thank you so much @TheKJ . It works!

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