Geometry Objects Disappear after Building Lights


Recently I’ve been working on creating a level in Unreal Tournament’s Editor (I’m not how much similar it is to the regular editor, I’m sorry if this is posted in the wrong place). I was creating a whitebox with Unreal’s pre-existing Geometry assets (i.e. Box, Cylinder, Curved Stair, etc).

When I build just Geometry the level builds fine and all geometry is present and I can move around in the environment ok. But when I build the entire level, or build just the lighting, a lot of geometry will disappear after the lighting build step. Unreal still registers as the asset being present (I can see it in the outliner and I can click it in the preview window), and the objects cast shadows… but the meshes are not visible, and playing it in game there’s no collision against my character. I also compared the disappearing assets against the visible assets, and in the details panel they all look identical except for position in the world. Also the eyeball show the objects as being visible as well, along with the folders the assets reside in.

If I then build geometry only the assets show up again, and very consistently the same assets will disappear. I’m at a loss here, and any answers would be very much appreciated! Thank you guys so much!

Ugh, sorry for the wasted question. Clicking the Eyeball on the parent folder off and then on again made everything visible again, and light baking now works as normal. Sorry for the question!

I just ran into this exact same problem except the eyeball fix isn’t working for me, all my geometry is becoming invisible and no-collide after building lighting, no matter what I do! Help?

They talk about a “bounds parameter” in here and that it should help if you higher the value of it in actors: with the solution in here:

Skeletal Mesh disappearing - Pipeline & Plugins - Epic Developer Community Forums

However, that didn’t work for me. The only thing that worked for me in making the actors visible was to change the material on the floor that the actors were on, sadly, because I haven’t yet figured out anything else.