I don’t seem to be able to get the Nsight Tegra Debugger in Visual Studio 2013 to attach to a GearVR process running on the Galaxy S6.
Here are the steps I took:
Download the UE 4.8.3 binary
Run the UE4 Editor and create a new Basic Code C++ Project
Launch the BasicCode.uproject file that was created.
Windows->Plugins->Virtual Reality->Enable Gear VR plugin
Edit->Project Settings->Packaging->Build Configuration->DebugGame
Edit->Project Settings->Platforms->Android->Configure Now
Edit->Project Settings->Platforms->Android->Minimum SDK Version 19
File->Package Project->Android->Android (ETC2)
Run Install*.bat to load the apk and obb files on the Galaxy S6
Launch BasicCode.sln file
Solution Configurations:DebugGame
Solution Platforms: Tegra-Android
Select Games->BasicCode->right click->Build
Click Nsight Tegra Debugger
It deploys the apk to the device
Launches the apk on the device
Then I get this error:
Pulling device files… Error.
Failed to pull device files: Invalid ELF header
Failed to attach: Invalid ELF header.
Any idea what I might be doing wrong?