I have an issue with garbage collection and I would like to know how I can find what is causing that…
I have a game server in 4.26, and the fatal error “Creating UObjects while Collecting Garbage is not allowed!” appears.
The clients have no problem, but the server crash with this error after 1 or 2 hours of game. And sometimes it can run for like 4 hours without having any problem.
Is there any way to know what I tried to create when this error occurs ? to have more logs, or anything ? Because I have no idea of what it was trying to create so I will not be able to solve anything if I don’t know that…
And then, any clue of what I am supposed to do when I find what object is causing the issue ?
Some infos, my game is mainly in Blueprints, but have some C++ (plugins, and some other code). The game is quite huge so with this error it is really hard to understand what is causing that exactly.
Thank you for your help !
All the best