Free Plugin: Refresh All Nodes

RefreshAllNodes is an Unreal Engine plugin that I created so you can save time when unwelcome Blueprint errors arise.

This plugin lets you refresh and recompile all Blueprint Nodes in all of your Blueprints.

Toolbar button screenshot

Pop-up screenshot

What it does

Refreshing nodes is a somewhat obscure option in the Unreal Blueprint Editor intended to resolve certain errors that can pop up as no fault of your own; such as when you modify structures and it breaks all the dependencies.

By default, the Unreal Editor has a “Refresh all nodes” button in the Blueprint Editor under the File menu. It runs an operation similar to selecting all the nodes, right-clicking, and clicking Refresh Nodes. You could spend a long time opening each Blueprint to click that button, and that’s why I made this plugin.

This plugin creates a button in the editor that will run that built-in “Refresh all nodes” command on all Blueprints.


  • The plugin will compile all blueprints as well as refresh them.
  • It adds a button to the Content Browser context menu to refresh just a folder.
  • The plugin can refresh Level Blueprints and Blueprints in plugins.
  • Blueprints can be excluded by path or class.

Limitations and considerations

  • Refreshing nodes isn’t a complete fix for all Blueprint corruption issues, and is not guaranteed to help with C++ HotReload issues.
  • Running this plugin can cause GPU memory usage to spike up from opening so many Blueprints.
  • Due to changes in UE’s C++ API, this plugin no longer supports UE versions earlier than UE 5.1. To work with older versions of UE, you can use RefreshAllNodes v1.4.

Download it here:

I hope it helps!


Hello @NachoMonkey2 ,

this is great! Helped us a lot. There is one thing that I’d like to ask though:
I have a blueprint that has an error. When I use the “refresh all nodes” function in the blueprint’s menu, it does not resolve that error for some reason. Hence, your plugin does not either.
If I however rightclick the affected node directly, and choose “refresh nodes” - it does resolve the issue.
Did you come around that problem before?

Thanks for any insights and thanks for your great plugin!

Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, I have encountered the same problem you described :neutral_face:. And, yes, given that the plugin is based on the “Refresh All Nodes” function in the blueprint’s menu, I can’t really solve it.

One thing I do to save some time is I bind the “refresh nodes” function from the right-click menu to the key “R”. You can do that in the Editor Preferences menu. Then, you can just press “R” to refresh the selected nodes.

@NachoMonkey2 Just found your plugin, this looks like it could be an absolutely massive time saver!!! Could you try to update this to 4.27? Thanks!!

@uJelleh, I’ve just released the plugin with precompiled binaries for UE 4.27.1, get it here:

Hope it helps!

Awesome! Does my project have to be a C++ project? I’m getting the " [myprojectname] could not be compiled - try rebuilding from source manually" after pressing build, despite trying everything.

Thing I have tried:

  1. Downloaded Source code (zip) and extracted to my project’s Plugins folder, and set the plugins folder to be writable.

  2. Deleting Binaries from my project’s root directory beforehand

  3. Downloading through Git Desktop, copying the Git folder (named RefreshAllNodes) to my project’s plugins folder and replacing the 3 files as instructed.

That should have worked, and you don’t need a C++ project with the right binaries. Are you using 4.27.0 or 4.27.1? That could be a problem.

Hey @NachoMonkey2 sorry for the late replay. I believe I was on 4.27.1 when I was testing it. The “build from source” error I think was happening without replacing the 3 files - when I do replace the 3 files in Binaries\Win64, I get this error:


Currently I’m on 4.27.2, and I still get that same error.

Hi! I have the same problem. I think this is because we are using ue4.27.2 while the plugin only supports ue4.27.1

Just recompile the plugin again in a c++ project, and it work fine.

I have just released the plugin with precompiled binaries for UE 4.27.2, you can get them here:

@NachoMonkey2 Is it possible that the release for 4.27.2 is not functioning? I’m getting an error when I try to start my project with the plugin activated. It’s possible that I’m just bad at following your installing instructions, but I don’t think so.
Other than that, it looks like a very useful tool and I’d love to use it for my current project if I could get it to run.

@NachoMonkey2 maybe something is wrong with the precompiled files for 4.27? I’m not sure how to fix this issue personally, so an answer would be appreciated.

It’s unlikely that there is something wrong with the precompiled files as much… perhaps they are just incompatible? They are compiled on Windows 10. If you are on Windows 11, that could be the problem.

If so, you’ll need to compile it yourself, which doesn’t take much beyond getting the various C++ tools installed and configured. (There are plenty of tutorials)

Sorry for the delay.

@NachoMonkey2 Thanks for the input.
We are on Win10 but we’ll try compiling the plugin manually, hopefully that works. It’s hard to believe how janky this engine behaves sometimes…

Version 1.3 is now available. I added another button that is accessible from the right-click context menu in the Content Browser that refreshes the blueprints within the selected folders.

This is extremely useful. Thanks for sharing!!

I’ve reported an issue , have you addressed it?


Version 1.4 is now available. Now the plugin compiles the blueprints after refreshing them and can catch errors. Compilation can be disabled as it does take more processing time. I also added helpful pop-up notifications.


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Really useful thanks for making it in Unreal Engine 5 :slight_smile: Really save me time fixing all the unknow error. Which is 100% fixed when packaging the game.

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