Flickering lighting around foliage with Lumen

Hi there!

I’m creating a forest environment using Lumen, and I’m having some pretty strong flickering artifacts whenever there are trees around. See for yourselves:

The light hitting that window is a directional light, and in front of it there are several trees. As soon as I remove the trees, the flickering artifacts disappear. It is more obvious with reflections, but similar flickering artifacts can be observed also in certain parts of distant trees’ shadows.

I’ve tried adjusting Lumen settings, playing with the materials of the window and the trees and I’ve tried trees from 3 different packs, but the result is the same.

I knew that Lumen still had issues with foliage, but this is a real show stopper, specially when trying to create a forest environment, where foliage is very relevant.

Do you know of any fix for this? Thanks in advance!

Hi Yetmax.

Did you ever find a fix for this. I am having the same problem.
