First person does not work without a weapon ???


I think this is a potential bug unsure how epic has setup this device but if you have no weapon equipped then the first person device doesn’t work. If i have a weapon equipped then it works like this doesn’t seem right to me. My game is a farming simulator and i wish it to have a first person mode but i cannot achieve this due to not having a weapon equipped like seriously ??? Is this intended or a bug like im lost here. I will post a video down below

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Unsure if its a bug atm so leaving blank

Expected Result

The first person camera device should work regardless of if the player has a weapon in their inventory equipped

Observed Result

Its all messed up imo it only works when you have a weapon



Additional Notes

I will share video link here

Video showing the issue

When you have a weapon selected it works but with anything else nothing. Like isnt the First Person Camera suppose to be what it says ??? is this limited to only gun warfare ?

I also spent time going over verse thinking im doing something wrong

I found this post

Thinking it was me and a friend mentioned the weapon needs to be selected by the player and i said nope that doesnt sound right at all low and behold it is like i was shocked

When you have your pickax its always 3rd person too

Checking into this for you.

Thankyou @Flak

I really don’t wanna have to make some bodged system with the other cameras cos this doesn’t work as one would think it would.

This will be addressed in the future, but for now it is working as intended. Since we’re still in the beta stage, please post your feedback here: First Person Device Feedback Thread. Thank you!

OK thankyou for confirming :slight_smile:

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