First Person Camera cannot be toggled dynamically with event binding or verse

I am trying to toggle in and out of the new first person device using AddTo(Agent) and that has no effect, so then I tried using event binding which also did not work… The only way I can get the new first person device to work is if I have Apply to all at Game Start option toggled ON Here is a basic version of the code I tried below

mgr := class(creative_device):

    @editable team1Teleporter : teleporter_device = teleporter_device{}
    @editable team1Hud : hud_message_device = hud_message_device{}
    @editable team1Switcher :class_and_team_selector_device = class_and_team_selector_device{}
    @editable fp_pov : gameplay_camera_first_person_device = gameplay_camera_first_person_device{}

            Print("team1 tele subscribed")
            Print("Player joined team 1")
            Print("Player Hud initialized")
            Print("Player POV initialized")

Just seen this in my game even after ticking the add on game start nothing happens at all . I’m just restarting uefn ect but something is weird here.

I’ve had success using device-based logic to add/remove first person camera. (In the context of a switch device to change between first and third person) I think that would be considered ‘event binding’?

Are you just seeing this problem when using Verse?

I had the problem with verse and event binding both, I think the priority parameter might be to blame, also curious as to why priority has such a MASSIVE range to select from, cant imagine that range is necessary? The only solution I found was using an orbit_camera_device in tandem with the FP camera and to toggle between them dynamically. But the orbit is not as efficient/accurate as the default fortnite camera so its a major bummer to use this work around…

Turns out how i thought the device worked is not how its currently setup by epic.

I assumed when active you would have first person but if you dont have a weapon equipped then it doesnt work

With your pickaxe its always 3rd person

With items ie apple corn ect it never works

I spent ages working out that it only works with weapons :frowning: such a poor system atm tbh

You can make a ‘faux’ first person camer with the orbit camera, how folks were doing it before the first person camera was released, and use the player marker to track what items players have and toggle between your 'fake’firstperson and the actual first person camera accordingly, I did this setup to simulate first person while in building mode but for combat its a pretty rough transition, i think in the case of variety game though it might not be a deal breaker it could work

Why do we have to jump through all these hoops tho like releasing something that clearly doesnt work for basic things

ty for you advice tho

Welcome to Fortnite Creative my friend :upside_down_face:

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