LogValkyrieSummary: Starting Project Upload - https://content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com/project/#/10c0cb55-4671-d262-0f37-f4b3fa4be36b
LogValkyrieSummary: Syncing project Mafia_City
LogValkyrie: Saving project Mafia_City source control settings to disk took 0.00 sec
LogJson: Error: JsonValueToUProperty - Unable to import enum EVkModuleModerationSource from string value ingestionError for property ModerationSource
LogJson: Error: JsonObjectToUStruct - Unable to import JSON value into property ModerationSource
LogValkyrie: Warning: Moderation status query failed with error:
Failure ErrorCode=invalid_json, Message=, Raw=invalid_json
LogValkyrie: Syncing project Mafia_City with content service took 0.76 sec
AssetCheck: Warning: [AssetLog] /Mafia_City/Pumpjack/Textures/T_PumpjackOLD_BC : Non-cinematic texture is too big. It is 4096x4096. Use LODBias to reduce its size to 2,048 or lower. (FortValidator_Textures)
AssetCheck: Warning: [AssetLog] /Mafia_City/Pumpjack/Textures/T_PumpjackOLD_N : Non-cinematic texture is too big. It is 4096x4096. Use LODBias to reduce its size to 2,048 or lower. (FortValidator_Textures)
AssetCheck: Warning: [AssetLog] /Mafia_City/Pumpjack/Textures/T_PumpjackOLD_ORM : Non-cinematic texture is too big. It is 4096x4096. Use LODBias to reduce its size to 2,048 or lower. (FortValidator_Textures)
AssetCheck: Warning: [AssetLog] /Mafia_City/Pumpjack/Textures/T_Pumpjack_BC : Non-cinematic texture is too big. It is 4096x4096. Use LODBias to reduce its size to 2,048 or lower. (FortValidator_Textures)
AssetCheck: Warning: [AssetLog] /Mafia_City/Pumpjack/Textures/T_Pumpjack_N : Non-cinematic texture is too big. It is 4096x4096. Use LODBias to reduce its size to 2,048 or lower. (FortValidator_Textures)
AssetCheck: Warning: [AssetLog] /Mafia_City/Pumpjack/Textures/T_Pumpjack_ORM : Non-cinematic texture is too big. It is 4096x4096. Use LODBias to reduce its size to 2,048 or lower. (FortValidator_Textures)
LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Selecting allow lists for role 'VKCreateUGC'
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting to upload file for module creation
LogValkyrieSummary: Successfully created module
LogValkyrieSummary: Creating Module Version
LogValkyrieSummary: Sending Content Update
LogValkyrieSummary: Calling UpdateContent on Valkyrie beacon with: ProjectId(10c0cb55-4671-d262-0f37-f4b3fa4be36b) SnapshotId(633c0614-8e8f-4176-8c88-525791352cfe) ModuleId(788bf070-4d43-eda3-d4c5-8abf1d56d314) ModuleVersion(350)
LogValkyrieSummary: RPCing content cook request to server: ProjectId(10c0cb55-4671-d262-0f37-f4b3fa4be36b) SnapshotId(633c0614-8e8f-4176-8c88-525791352cfe)
LogValkyrieSummary: Project Mafia_City up to date
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Prepare for 788bf070-4d43-eda3-d4c5-8abf1d56d314
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for 788bf070-4d43-eda3-d4c5-8abf1d56d314: GetRootModuleInfo
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for 788bf070-4d43-eda3-d4c5-8abf1d56d314: GetProjectContentPackage
LogValkyrieSummary: Server Summary - Successfully activated content on all platforms
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectUploadSize for 788bf070-4d43-eda3-d4c5-8abf1d56d314
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectDownloadSize for 788bf070-4d43-eda3-d4c5-8abf1d56d314
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectCookedSize for 788bf070-4d43-eda3-d4c5-8abf1d56d314
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetDependencyDownloadSizes for 788bf070-4d43-eda3-d4c5-8abf1d56d314
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Completed for 788bf070-4d43-eda3-d4c5-8abf1d56d314
This is happening when I launch a memory calc. Just started happening yesterday (been working on the project for over a month).
@HalcyonKnight96 I saw that you helped troubleshoot this on another thread.
I’ve tried removing various assets and am drawing a blank here. Not sure how to proceed, so any insight would be much appreciated!
Okay I’ve also now tried syncing to previous snapshots where I know memory calcs and private uploads were working, so I believe this is a UEFN bug.
@HalcyonKnight96 just wanted to bump this. I haven’t heard anything from Epic support and we’re completely blocked on our release
@anonpolo Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form