End Of Earth


This is my new fan project, which turned out while exploring PCG tools in Unreal Engine 5. End of Earth is a vegetated biome with ruins, a river and a waterfall towering over the ocean. The entire scene is fully rendered and built in Unreal Engine 5.3 using Quixel Megascans, Fluids fo waterfall, Volumetric Clouds, Nanite, Full Lumen Light and Virtual heightfield mesh.


Thank you for your attention!


Great mood, I love the 2nd shot

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Hi there @SLM_CryNet,

Hope you’re well and having a stellar week so far :slight_smile:

This is genuinely one of the most breathtaking environments I’ve seen in a very long time. It’s dreamy and intimidating and so incredibly well done. I could probably stare at those clouds all day. :joy:

Thanks for taking the time to share your art and I hope we get to see more of it in the future!


Hi @PresumptivePanda !

Thank so much!)
Thank you very much, it motivates me to do even more :blush:

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So amazzzzzzing.
I want to know performance for this project.

This art is unbelievable. Inspires me to know that soo much is possible in the world of VR & Digital art.

I’m a VR / 3D designer & would love to contribute for any of your upcoming projects.