So I’m not sure if this is a bug (In my honest opinion it should be) but debug lines are effected by lighting/postprocessing while it should make more sense for it to be unlit and a pure color.
Is this intended behaviour? Because if a lot of lines are near/on each other the glare will be insane (to the point of literally being a white screen) and disabling postprocessing/lighting feels like doing an action that should’ve been unnecessary for something like this.
(And for safety purposes debug stuff should have a structure as basic as possible to avoid bugs in software/driver/hardware implementation)
Issue shown below: (Note that these are purely a DrawDebugLine() call in C++, nothing extra has been added and theres 1 point light in the middle of the platform)
Thank you for bringing this up. While I’m not quite sure if this is the intended functionality, I don’t believe it is. I’ll be looking into it and if it is not intended, I’ll put a bug report in. I’ll let you know once a decision has been made.
In light of this (pun not intended) I’ll be moving this to the Bug Reports section.
I’ve placed a bug into our system for this issue. For your reference, the number is UE-21080. I’ll be sure to let you know when the issue has been fixed or if any updates are made to the bug report.
UE4 was not run with any non-default command line options.(Straight from the UE4 Launcher (So it should not have run with Dx12 if that could have been an issue))
That’s correct, it has not been fixed. This is not a high priority issue as it doesn’t affect any gameplay functionality and is only an inconvenience in a few edge cases. You can keep track of the bug’s status here, but it is backlogged at the moment.