Disappearing shadows at a distance Unreal engine 5.2

The new version of the engine brought new bugs. Missing shadows on the course. Fix it by disabling raytracing shadows, but this is not the solution. On the rendering shadows flicker very much. On small objects close shadows disappear. On large objects the shadows disappear at a great distance.

I reported this bug on
Unreal Engine 5.2 Preview but I didn’t get any responses. It would be great if they solved this problem with the shadows, because by disabling Ray Tracing it takes away the realism of the project.

Unreal Engine 5.2 Preview - #132 by JRFernandes

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Yes here are screenshots showing the advantage of RTX shadows over VSM. Now we have to wait and hope that this problem will be fixed in the hotfix update. I am still amazed how Epic games allow so many bugs in new versions of the Unreal engine, although reports of this bug were on the prevew version

True. I hope more people report this issue as this bug is evident when using small actors.

Where can I report this bug? In 5.2 I have an 50 meter limit on shadows… RTX, Lumen, VSM. I have rised all the distances that I found, none of that helped.

Anda there are other ray tracing shadow bugs too, where all the shadows will go to the 0,0,0 of the world, when many objects in the scene. Quite incredible UE5 is still beta and we, the (ignored) testers, but announced as retail.

Pelo que vi, este link explica como reportar bugs:

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I have exactly the same issue.
This makes my project unusable in 5.2 as using a far away camera + narrow FOV.

All ray traced shadows get clipped at that distance.

Switching to VSM brings back the shadows but this is not a real fix.
The issue also doesn’t not exist in 5.1

What is the best way to report / bring attention to this?

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Bug reports are supposed to help, but as you can see it did not work, this error was reported on the prevew version. The best way probably write directly to the developers of the engine


I found that the problem is not only with the shadows, but also with the reflections, as you can see in the video below. Yeah, the reflection disappears too.

In the video below I put a lampshade with two meshes (lampshade body and a globe mesh with emissive material) and inside the globe
I put a ‘point light’, all this in front of a mirror. You can see that when I move away from the lamp, both the shadow and the reflections (from the light from the emissive material and from the meshes) disappear. Note that when doing this experiment with daylight on, we see the reflections of the meshes disappear, leaving only the reflection of the ‘point light’.

Note: this is a problem with the new version 5.2, because in previous versions, with default settings, this problem does not happen.

Can anyone report this issue to Epic Game? The page with instructions for reporting a bug is this: Reportar um Bug - Unreal Engine.


Set r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold to .01 or lower through console.
Lets check if the problem is still there. I also find there are no shadow while going to mobile preview in unreal 5.2 whereas everything was ok in 5.1.1

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Another issue, the raytraced translucent things are also removed around 50 meters.
See the glass ball in the center:

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This doesn`t help with raytraced shadows. I assume the bug is connected to lumen with raytracing .

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RT shadows are a little broken in UE5.2. They are already cheking an issue I reprted. I bet all of them are related and they will be fixed in the next release.


Unfortunately, I’ve tried all kinds of configurations, but none of them solved this problem. But, it’s definitely a bug, because in UE5.1 with the default settings there wasn’t this bug. I have reported this bug to Epic Games and am waiting for a response.

I am using UE 5.2 the official release, this problem is still there, how is this a bug? When it’s so obvious and the first thing that happens when you add a box and zoom out a bit?

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I can also reproduce that error. How/where do we know if they will fix that? Missing Shadows is not especially a tiny issue…

Please keep us posted! My project right now is unusable because of that.

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Yes. I reported this issue to Epic Games, but so far they haven’t got back to me. From what I’ve read on the bug reporting site, they will only pay attention to bugs that have a lot of complaints on this bug reporting site. So, the ideal would be to have many people reporting this bug on this site: Report a Bug - Unreal Engine

I dont get this issue, when i create my project i check the raytracing box works fine for me