Custom GameMode and GameState not working?

Ok, Im new to UE4 so lets put that out there ;o) I have been through all the code tutorials tho, and have been a programmer for many years.

Im using Visual Studio 2013 Express with UE4 4.2.1 on Windows 7 Professional.

I have created a ThirdPersonCode sample project.
I have created a UObject based controller class that I want to abstract some calculations that i dont want to do in a Blueprint. The idea is this contoller will be used inside the GameMode::Tick method to update a USTRUCT in my GameState class for use within Blueprints.


class ASandboxGameMode : public AGameMode

    virtual void Tick(float deltaSeconds) OVERRIDE;

    /** */
    UMyController* m_myController;

I define my GameStateClass and create one of these Controller objects in my GameMode constructor

GameStateClass = ASandboxGameState::StaticClass();

// Construct MyController for game
m_myController = NewObject<UMyController>();

Then I have my Tick method

void ASandboxGameMode::Tick(float deltaSeconds)

    // Update Game State
    ASandboxGameState* gameState = Cast<ASandboxGameState>(GameState);
    if (NULL != gameState)
        gameState->Data = m_myController->Data;

So far so good you might say … or not shrugs

Here are my issues that if you can help I would be very grateful

  1. When I debug in the constructor I see this(..."SandboxGameMode"_0) but in Tick I see this(..."BP_SkySphere_C") as if there are two different instance of game mode calling different parts of the game mode methods? wierd … I never seem to see “SandboxGameMode”_0 in the Tick method or “BP_SkySphere_C” in the constructor.

  2. In the GameMode constructor my m_myController is constructed fine, in the Tick method it is undefined as in (Name=???, Number=???)? How can that be?

  3. GameState is always NULL in the Tick method even tho my GameState constructor is called

  4. In my GameState class the constuctor is called and properly executes, however even tho the GameState is always NULL in the Tick method, it steps into a GameState that is undefined (Name=??? …)

  5. When I am debugging the if (NULL != gameState) line does not execute … the debugger just skips it

None of this makes any sense to me as far as standard C++ programming goes, but there may be some UE4 specifics that I am missing.

This also seems like simple basic stuff that should not have been a stumbling block for me for so long.

Hoping someone out there can point me in the right direction.


Somehow my Unreal Engine installation must have been corrupted as every new project exhibited the same behaviour.

I installed 4.3 and created everything again from scratch :o( and the problem has not reappeared.