Crash in EnvQuerySystem due to GC

I am getting the following crash

Unhandled Exception: SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to read memory at address 0x00000001b70f04f8

[22.28.19:118][0066.02][871]LogCore: Fatal error!

FEnvQueryInstance::ExecuteOneStep() @ EnvQueryInstance.cpp:445
UEnvQueryManager::Tick() @ EnvQueryManager.cpp:481
TGraphTask<FTickFunctionTask>::ExecuteTask() @ TaskGraphInterfaces.h:1235
FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread() @ TaskGraph.cpp:774
FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() @ TaskGraph.cpp:664
FTaskGraphCompatibilityImplementation::WaitUntilTasksComplete() @ TaskGraph.cpp:2144
FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroup() @ TickTaskManager.cpp:603
FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroup() @ TickTaskManager.cpp:1656
UWorld::RunTickGroup() @ LevelTick.cpp:810
UWorld::Tick() @ LevelTick.cpp:1597

I believe it’s because the EQS Generator is getting GC’d just before hand.

With VeryVerbose GC logs we get this JUST before the crash

[22.28.15:231][0062.13][813]LogGarbage: Collecting garbage
[22.28.15:231][0062.13][813]LogGarbage: Verbose: 0.350189 ms for MarkObjectsAsUnreachable Phase (20 Objects To Serialize)
[22.28.15:242][0062.14][813]LogGarbage: Verbose: 11.008596 ms for Reachability Analysis
[22.28.15:242][0062.14][813]LogGarbage: GC Reachability Analysis total time: 11.41 ms (11.41 ms on reference traversal)
[22.28.15:242][0062.14][813]LogGarbage: 11.41 ms for GC - 30527 refs/ms while processing 348230 references from 38290 objects  with 491 clusters
[22.28.15:242][0062.14][813]LogGarbage: 0.010562 ms for Dissolve Unreachable Clusters (0/491 clusters dissolved containing 0 cluster objects)
[22.28.15:242][0062.14][813]LogGarbage: 0.344590 ms for Gather Unreachable Objects (9016 objects collected / 66718 scanned with 1 thread(s))
[22.28.15:292][0062.19][814]LogStreaming: Display: 0.065 ms for processing 9016 objects in RemoveUnreachableObjects(Queued=0, Async=0). Removed 10 (4403->4393) packages and 34 (10071->10037) public exports.
[22.28.15:300][0062.20][814]LogGarbage: Starting unhashing unreachable objects (9016 objects to unhash).
[22.28.15:498][0062.40][817]LogGarbage: Finished unhashing unreachable objects (9016 objects unhashed).
[22.28.15:499][0062.40][817]LogGarbage: 1.058 ms for incrementally purging unreachable objects (FinishDestroyed: 2131, Destroyed: 0 / 9016)
[22.28.15:566][0062.47][818]LogGarbage: 2.002 ms for incrementally purging unreachable objects (FinishDestroyed: 6902, Destroyed: 0 / 9016)
[22.28.15:633][0062.53][819]LogGarbage: 2.010 ms for incrementally purging unreachable objects (FinishDestroyed: 9016, Destroyed: 2600 / 9016)
[22.28.15:700][0062.60][820]LogGarbage: 2.028 ms for incrementally purging unreachable objects (FinishDestroyed: 9016, Destroyed: 7900 / 9016)
[22.28.15:765][0062.66][821]LogGarbage: GC purged 9016 objects (66718 -> 57702) in 0.572ms
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11
[22.28.19:118][0066.02][871]LogCore: === Critical error: ===

Some background: the dangling pointer access via a raw pointer. This raw pointer is a copy of a smart pointer allocated in UEnvQueryManager::CreateQueryInstance at ~EnvQueryManager.cpp:859. The copy from smart → raw happens in a subsequent call to CreateOptionInstance.

So the raw pointer should be safe, since it points to a UObject who’s life should be gauranteed by the following hierarchy:

TObjectPtr<class UAISystemBase>        UWorld::AISystem;

TObjectPtr<UEnvQueryManager>           UAISystem::EnvironmentQueryManager;

TArray<FEnvQueryInstanceCache>        UEnvQueryManager::InstanceCache;

TObjectPtr<UEnvQuery>                 FEnvQueryInstanceCache::Template

TArray<TObjectPtr<UEnvQueryOption>>   UEnvQuery::Options;
TObjectPtr<UEnvQueryGenerator>        UEnvQueryOption::Generator;  <-- This becomes dangling

For reference I am running Client with a Linux Server build. The server is a Linux build. Engine version 5.4.4.

I am not sure how to further investigate this. Any help would be appreciated.