Couldn't find any documentation for setting up the Mover 2.0

I’ve been trying to use the new Mover 2.0 plugin in my project, since there’s no documentation on how to set it up from scratch, the only resource I have is the mover Example content. I created a Child APawn, and added a CharacterMoverComponent to it, then I override the OnProduceInput function (which is the exact copy of the one in the MoverExamplesCharacter except the Flying stuff. With this setup I’m having weird crashes in the UMoverNetworkPredictionLiaisonComponent I confirmed that the Blueprint overrides in the Character are also exactly same as the Context Examples character so I’m confused

Is there anyone who has setup Mover 2.0 from scratch who can list down all the necessary steps and prerequisites. Or can point me in the right direction to fix the crash

Assertion failed: MoverComp->MovementMixer [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\Mover\Source\Mover\Private\MovementModeStateMachine.cpp] [Line: 140]

UnrealEditor_Mover!UMovementModeStateMachine::OnSimulationTick() [D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\Mover\Source\Mover\Private\MovementModeStateMachine.cpp:140]

Hey there @antifacepalm! Welcome to the community! Unfortunately there’s no full documentation for the Experimental Mover 2.0 plugin. There are a few resources, but most of them just reference the example content you had mentioned. Digging into the source is likely the best way to get a full grasp on what’s going on.

The README has a bit of information, while not being nearly as useful as documentation would be at this location under your install’s plugin folder:

Some basic information on the plugin you may have already read:

That’s the path I had to go through, I was able to dig through the source code and the examples to find potential issues that could cause the network prediction to crash and ended up finding that having a collision on the mesh was causing the crash.
Although this issue is fixed but I still have numerous more questions about the Mover and Network plugin which would best be solve by having a dedicated documentation page. I really hope we have one soon but until then I believe that digging through the source although time consuming, but is the best way to implement the plugin.
For any newcomers I’d suggest to wait until we have a proper release unless you want to spend numerous nights debugging.


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