About your code i was actually just worried that it shoots always the same positioned letters. It’s like I’m getting essential sparks of your ideas, but i can’t translate it in my head with my tiny experience what each single node does.
Remember, this whole work needs to be super identical to the the vision i had. It should be be a ‘prototype’ or ‘artwork’ of a strange alien system seen on psychedelics.
Can’t be rushed, Will need some time to let it all sink in. I’m thankful for your input and when I get something working, I will communicate back to you again.
Ah, and only the lower half of the ring is visible. So there’s no point of shooting the letters from the upper 180 degrees because there might be 1 or none in the lower half at times.
These kinds of things made me a bit reluctant, but there will be enough time to try it all - for example in blank example projects. Learning time!
No worries mate, you’re doing astoundingly well for two months
It’s just that I can’t keep up with your ‘other experiments’, so good to have a copy of what we’re talking about just to get the concepts straight.
That way I can get it across to you much more efficiently.
All the main ideas you wanted have been covered here.
The 3 components always going to the same place on tick is a strange idea, I know. All it means it they will always home in on the high point.
We momentarily give them the ‘transform’ of the text child we copied, and then they will automatically move back up to the high point, without us having to do anything!
Yes and and I really appreciate your effort. Would be worse if no one responded.
The 3 arrows can be actually randomized a little, that’s why i found it so practical. Each one just pokes around in ~30° degrees difference and hits either this or that, which makes the chosen words look more “natural”. In this vision, they were various ciphers in various angles, not always on eight or four o’clock.,
Yes I tried applying this. The problem is that your code is started by a tick event. I can’t attach a OnComponentOverlap before a tick event and I don’t know how to use CastTo for to connect an external actor called “Destination Point”, etc…
Destination point is just a component in the main circle BP. You can just use a sphere, it’s just a ‘thing’ to place in the BP from which we can get the target ‘flying up’ coordinate from.
In my version, the 3 things that move up are just text components in the main circle BP, you use tick for that no problem.
I think in your version, each of the wheel components has a collision box (?)
BTW the 3 texts would be only on one half of the ring… right? I mean if the ring rotates and they’re on the top, we’ll see nothing shoot out for a second… that’s why put 3 into each hemisphere… this sort of stuff.
So anyway! – I will try to recreate your project in an empty project now. My brain is a bit burnt out and it would be great if it was finger snapping easy…
Yes they all have a collision box in the single cypher Blueprint,
but I haven’t tried attaching to each cipher in the Ring BP. Possible that’s why they didn’t react to “Has Tag”, no idea. So many ways to fiddle with it.
Oh boy, it’s almost done but I could really use some help at the very last step!
I applied your Tick. ! But they’re all shooting out simultaneously. I’m very sure you know how to make the movement happen on ComponentBeginOverlap with the three arrows. Only this. Only if the arrows hit the ciphers. The movement rocks. But I really don’t know anything at this moment and I’m about to pull my hair out.
Hope you can see them moving up in this picture:
I tried destroying the ciphers after 2 seconds, but they won’t react. The other problem is that they won’t respawn.
If you want to use the overlap with the tick, there’s 2 ways:
Don’t set their target location until the overlap happens ( the tick is always trying to move them to the target, if you make their target where they already are, nothing will happen until you change it ).
Drop the tick entirely and use a timeline to move them on when the overlap occurs. So the overlap event would connect directly to the ‘play from start’ pin of the timeline.
In my example, the things that move up are in the main wheel BP. If you want to move up the components in the wheel BP without using tick, you have to do it like this:
I really think that this one should work. But nothing moves.
i could only copy & paste “OnBeginOverlap (Arrow [ cylinder ])” from the cipher Blueprint. can’t create a “OnBeginOverlap” with a comp from the Wheel.
We’re diverging further and further here, so getting harder to help you, but…
You need a start and end point for everything you want to move with this technique, I only see two on the rhs.
The BeginOverlap should fire if an overlap is happening ( so it’s probably not ). Those other blue pins are for:
Overlapped Component: That’s the cylinder, very uninteresting
Other actor / other component: Technically you should do a cast and check what is doing the overlapping here, because once you level gets more complicated, anything can cause overlaps, so you need to check it’s a child ( in this case ), or the player, or whatever.