I managed to make a plane transparent (translucent + additive) and simply drag the clock face upon it - no edges at least! Visually I’m pretty happy with it, you see:
A question about spawning random text or letters inside the ring is still relevant.
i have placed like 36 TextRender components in the Blueprint and each and every one should spawn completely random letters. Any way to do that?
I added a Blueprint copy-paste [TXT file][2]. My String is a local variable in this function.
If you are wokring in C++ you could use the “char” data type that converts a number from the ASCII table into a character and these together to a string.
To make your cyphers come up randomly just pipe all those variables ( from the cyphers of the clock picture ) into a MakeArray. Then you can just use a RandomIntInRange to select them a put them around the face.
ONLY those cyphers which are overlapping with a box should change, meaning, while they’re out of sight, in the lower half. Currently all of them change simultaneously.
Ok, what is doing the overlapping? The circle or a little box the character is going in?
Assuming it’s lots of little boxes: You need the volume in the lower half and change them on begin actor overlap. That way they only change when outside view.
The box is over the other (or under) half of the circle, - which is out of sight. Only those who overlap should change. What I’ve tried so far didn’t work. (They wouldn’t react. ) Probably there needs to be a condition that does not apply to ALL boxes simultaneously.
But I have a BP with a collision box and text render components, but when the components move through the box I don’t get an overlap ( apart from that I have your answer… )