Perfect, gonna build this one now. Thanks man!
Sorry, one more thing. The box in the main BP needs a tag - I called it ‘Box’. The child BP checks on collision that the other compoent has the tag ‘Box’ before counting it as useful…
Sorry, was being dumb. As there is only one child BP ( all the others are instances ), you can put then whole choosing a random letter thing in there. In fact you could choose it from a string, like somebody recommended above…
Had trouble with the above one… there is no target specified…
Anyway… this is the current result Really not too bad!
The only thing left is that the text in the rings should stay horizontal like the wagons in a ferris wheel. Google is burning, again I have no idea.
That would be the last but not least thing of the whole. The last one would be 2-3 ciphers to fly out throgh the top center at every needle poke.
The Blueprint from BOBtheROSS - though the string print looks great … and I was today years old when i realized i could put it into the construction script of the cipher BP…?!
However the current system isn’t bad either; I put random stuff into a string array (from alphabet to a random words in various lengths). Thanks to the alien alphabet we’re not gonna understand them anyway.
So, this is would be one of the last things to do beside keeping the texts horizontal:
Which bit did you have trouble with?
Welp, Bob’s Blueprint sort of works but it only spawns 1 single random.
I’ve tried ToText(string) in every place possible, but It won’t make random strings out of the 26/52 piece alphabet (lower+uppercase).
Anyways, random text shouldn’t exceed like 15 characters to not be too long… this is where I’m stuck right now.
The place to put the random string generation is in the child BP.
Do you want a bit of code that make random length strings from an alphabet?
Yes please let’s check it out.
Nothing changes… does it work for you?
Should i flush the construction script?
Ah, there’s your problem. The construction script only runs once, on creation. You need this code running every time the child gets overlapped ( just like my example ).
This is weird. With the StringArray it picks the vocab just fine and the method with Substring/Array From String hasn’t visually represented anyting significant yet, it’s either one single letter or nothing… i have tweaked it in so many ways now without desired effect.
The green/red ring cyphers change just fine (this ring must have 1 letter each) so i can always restore from that… but the bigger ring seriously doesn’t display more than 2 letters
This is the one that definitely works. Do you see any way to tweak that little thing that grabs random ciphers instead of the StringArray values?
i have tweaked subtle things and this one hits like a hammer:
Making .gif in a second.
We can skip right to the last step that needs to be done!
This .gif shows 2 (should be 2-3) components getting shot out of the top at each needle poke.
This is the very very last step that needs to be done and with a bit of assistance, I’m sure, we can grill this one. Note that the ciphers always face the actor location (which is a fixed immovable camera in this level.).
So pathways for this cyphers are needed - synchronized with each needle poke from the timeline. Hmm. If you got something, please surprise me.
So, to sync the line moving up and the words moving, they have to be both under control of the same time / tick event. Can you show your code for this part?
Minute, I’m breaking my head over not losing the TextRender components. They shouldn’t ACTUALLY disappear, but respawn while out of sight. (otherwise there would be no ciphers left lol)
They shouldn’t need to re-spawn, just get a new ‘string’…
Ah so the child actors are their own spawn point? That’s relieving…, 2-3 ciphers shooting upwards shouldn’t be attached to the rotation of the ring and have like fixed pathways… that’s deep…