There’s no spawning happening ( unless you went seriously off track with the code… )
But in a picture above, you show the words flying up. Is that not it?
There’s no spawning happening ( unless you went seriously off track with the code… )
But in a picture above, you show the words flying up. Is that not it?
It should be like in the picture.
problem is, if the pathways rotate with the ring, the words shoot away from anywhere
There’s a couple of things here:
If you want to ‘detach’ the words when the arrow hits and move them up, that’s a bit of a ■■■■■■ to code.
It think it’s clearer ( what’s happening ) and has more impact if the wheel stops when the arrow hits and the words move up.
You’ll have to explain how it’s supposed to be a bit more…
It is indeed! Thinking about using PathFollow components as extra actors.
it is very simple (i mean the movement); You see the destination point, let’s say just above the ring, where the ciphers should move to. Destination point reached = text destroyed.
The three yellow lines are one cipher each. Sometimes 2, sometimes 3.
So, questions.
Wont there just be a big jumble of words at the destination, what’s the point of that?
What about the gaps on the wheel, do they / when do they, re-generate?
1 - Destination point reached = text destroyed. Box collision with an own tag.
2 - tThey should respawn while out of sight. Each cipher Blueprint as their own spawn point somehow.
So, most obvious way here it to set the selected children to “” ( empty string ) and move three replicas up. The children the get filled automatically with another word on their way round… Thinking…
If the child actors are moved away, the clock face will be empty… there should be fixed ‘spawn points’ for the ciphers.
The empty ones should respawn with text when they’re out of sight…
So all the ciphers should sit in fixed dots or spawn points for the best convenience.
Yes – with position on, let’s say, 8 o’clock, 6 o’clock, 4 o’ clock.
You know from various games where you collect an item, which gets zoomed on, and then shot up to a counter?
Sort of like that.
Ok, buckle up. My compoent setup in the main circle BP is now like this:
Only 4 children, enough to make it work. New components are:
LowpointIndicator = Just marks the bottom of the wheel
Up1 = A new text render component ready to ‘fly up’, you will have 3 of these
Notice the new components are not attached to the revolving wheel, not much use
BP in 2 halves:
I set the code to trigger when I pressed O, but you’ll want to make it happen when the ‘pusher’ is up. It collects the list of all child actors ( ie, the text boxes ) and has a look to see which ones are within a certain radius of the lowpoint.
You could get all manly here and try and figure out the 3 text boxes closest to the lowpoint, but take it from me, that’s a whole mess of code, and really wont get you any more juice.
You have to play with the distance figure ( I have 50 ), but if you want to catch 3 it will be more, also depends on the actual size of the wheel.
Moving to the right hand side of the BP. When we find a text box within distance, the ‘if’ branch fires. We have to cast the child to access it parts, because as far as the BP is concerned, it’s just ‘an actor’ at the moment.
So we cast and then access the text render component of that child. We can see what the text is and assign it to the local moveable copy, Up1. You will need 3 of these. At the same time we clear the text in the child, it will just get reset net time round.
Also, in the same branch, we set the world transform of the local copy to the world transform of the child, which will mean the local copy seamlessly takes on the appearance of the child, no one the wiser.
We can then move the local copy(s) up and out of sight. I didn’t do this step, you already have this code.
Holy camoly, okay gimme a second to build that. I tried to come up with something super easy meanwhile;
(and then spawn new ones out of sight)
I don’t think you want to get into spawning. We already have the boxes positioned nicely around the circle, why try and throw them away and make new ones while it’s spinning!?
Benefits: Spawn points are invisible and flexible. Theoretically I could use Spawn Actor From Class, you see, and shoot the three overlapped texts up with some sort of fixed tick or timeline animation.
The spawn points stay!
(I can’t do it in 5 minutes, so this is gonna be a fun evening!)
And maybe using the worldrotation or worldlocation axis (from the camera) to sort of bind them together into one direction.
Ok, you have enough to be going on with then…
Gotta try these 2 possibilities including tweaking. Will report.
Learned a lot, man. Been only 2 months into UE4 and it’s goin’ down…
Doing very well for 2 months…
Thanks! It’s just such an amazing engine…
Alright check out this one!
The have fine collision tips and you see how it is synchronized with the needle below, because it’s a copy of it (with a separate blueprint).
Now, really, i need to assign your part of where the texts should move to, the location part.
Then we might have a hybrid of both worlds!
i just wonder where your blueprint is executed. I would just cut out all the other stuff and take the location transform directly to either the current ciphers or a copy of them, right when they’re colliding.
Those which have collided with the needle should apply the moving animation directly, so there can be a little randomness when it hits 2 or 4 cyphers.( It’s okay to have up to 4 cyphers moving.)