Clock face/ Spawn random text in each TextRender cipher

That code was executed in the main BP ( the circle BP ).

Okay, which part of the moving animation can I take out and attach it right to the collision event?

Sorry, you’ve lost me, can you be a bit more specific?

Well, It’s very obvious. I need the specific movement code that makes the letters move upward. Just the movement. So I can attach this movement after a simple Overlap-Event when the 3 arrows overlap with my ciphers.


Every cipher has a collision box. When it get hit by one of these three arrows sticking down, it will cause the affected cyphers to shoot up as shown before



Have to go again now, but I’m thinking about a vector from their starting position to the top of the circle. You can calculate a point on that vector over time and change the actors position based on this. Also, no doubt using a time line.

You have vector start and end points and you can calculate % along the vector given how far down the time line you are…

Requesting this in an example Blueprint… i fell asleep… otherwise I need to invest weeks, if not months, into learning all the math functions - but the clock could be finished through last step step today or tomorrow…

I think it’s the most practicable to place a destination point above the ring… this is the location we can specify where the letters move to.

Okay, here’s a little beginning, but it is far from correct with a few wacky nodes.


The problem is that this feature is rotating with the circle and I still can’t figure out how to make a Destination Point Mesh the target location. We’re almost there in its basics. :slight_smile:

Alright! If the cipher movement is a bit random, which I can see, then it’s perfect! :smiley:

As a side note i wanted to leave my funny other logic here. It’s as minimalist as it could get, but i might discard it if your example works. Gonna define “Up1” and highpoint locator now, which confused me a bit. Don’t they rotate with the ring?! It caused me worries.

Now I need to make exact sized replicas of the ciphers as “Up1”, correct? … hmmm…mind breaker…I might duplicate all of them and change the child actor to a duplicated cipher Blueprint…

Okay that might be a fast one. To make sure, i should duplicate all the ciphers and set them to FlyingCipher child actors (a duplicated Blueprint of the original one). They will shoot out. What happens to the original ones?

Ok thanks, trying this I can plug only one piece of “Up1” into GetWorldLocation…?

These are supposed to be the Up1’s… renaming them later.

Only the components that should rotate with the wheel should be connected to the wheel.

My Up1 component is a text component that gets a copy of the text from the one on the wheel ( which in turn is made blank ), it moves to the target point, which I called HighpointLocator.

I gave you the code above, if you want to go your own way, of course that’s up to you :wink:

That SetWorldTransform does all the work for you, when you copy the child text into the Up1 component…

Code is all above with explanation :slight_smile:

You only need to do this for the 3 actors that move up, you have to make a SetWorldLocation node for each of the 3

One thing!

You haven’t explained what type of component the HighPointLocator is.

Okay… Heck, none of it works so far. I have a literal migraine with this thing.

They all get the world location of the destination point - and still nothing.

It can be anything, in my case it’s just a ‘scene’, so it has no content…

Your problem is you muddeling up my example with your example. I can’t help you if you keep going off your own.

Best thing is to have two versions, your copy of what I’m talking about, just to get the concepts clear, and your expanded version, to try other things out.

All you need is

The circle
The child components around the circle, attached to the circle, nothing else attached to the circle.
Top point
Bottom point
Collision box ( 1 )
And the code I have given you here

I still appled the Component Has Tag logic. I left the tick out. I want the movement to happen when the arrows hit them, which are now static components of the ring (locked the world rotation so they are steady).

Really it’s just such a simple thing and I somehow won’t get the answer. The arrows have little collision boxes. If they collide with the FlyingText, they should fly out. Oh lord just this one.