You can get them by class
getchildrencomponents ( staticmesh )
You can get them by class
getchildrencomponents ( staticmesh )
My brain just imploded… (The Lerp already has the start/end point). Everything is finely connected, the Timeline ranges from -1 to +1 in 1 second.
Ah - you see, interesting. Only the individual text things need to be children. Every else should just be straight in the BP, they don’t need to be children. So the flying dupes are just text components directly in the main BP.
We only use child BPs when we have to because you always have to go through this casting stuff do get at their components.
Can I just pack this project and send it to you?
(50% serious question, 50% irony… I would if you could! )
I would put it on my fast webserver for you to download… my brain gets totally lost in the nodes.
Each object needs a lerp. For two it would look like this:
Once you get onto larger numbers, you have to use an array of start and endpoint and components, which is why it was easier to have the tick in the child :0)
Edit: Sorry, never said the tick should be in the child - getting befuddled here…
Well, i died.
This is the easiest thing we can do: -<
410 MB. Ignore the warnings. The wheel is startup map.
Wheel Blueprint: “UpperRing” .
The rest is in the Rings folder.
Please enlighten me… you will probably do it in a minute. My little ball of neurons have just collapsed to a Kelloggs Frosty.
Take your time. I need to cool off a bit… my server is very fast and the project is tightly packed to the essentials.
This is gonna take a while ( haven’t looked yet )
Tips: use Simulation (Viewport) for the UpperRing. I have enlarged the collision boxes for troubleshooting. You possess a steady camera! If needed, copy & paste the ‘PokeTick’-timeline to synchronize the movement of TriplePokes… anything else - "Content → Rings ", wheel and single cipher.
Getting there, bit of fine tuning now…
So, changed it a bit, obviously. One thing I wasn’t aware of was how many different BPs you have. I think I did that in the beginning. You could easily do all this ( including the dial underneath with 1 BP ).
Although I didn’t do that, I did do something sensible, good example etc.
You now have 4 BPs
Top locator. Does absolutely nothing, it only exists so we can find it easily later. Is sits in the map in the top position.
UpperRing, the main one. There is now only a flat disc ( cylinder ) that I put it, which the children text components are attached to ( like I was trying to explain ). The 3 poke thing also lives in here now. It is just 3 rods, nothing else.
The cypher BP. I made some extensive mods. You had the orientation on tick, a little severe, so I moved it to a timed event, once every .1 second. It’s a good idea to avoid tick when you can. On begin play it sets it’s own random text. It also does this when it collides with an actor with the tag Outbox. When it collides with a component ( from the UpperRing ) with the tag Poke, spawns this new UpTraveller BP. It spawns it at it’s own location, and sets the text to be a copy of it’s own. It then clears it’s own text.
The UpTraveller BP, immediately looks for that TopLocation BP and set it’s own destination, ready for flying up. The delay of .2 secs it because even at this point in the initialization chain, the text render child that spawned it, still has not had a chance to set the text! Then it uses a timeline to scoot up to the top point, whereupon it destroys itself.
Voila, no need to worry about having enough UpTravellers…
Incidentally, having seen it up close now, it occurs to me that you might want to do this in the HUD. You know, that’s where they put menus and that sort of thing, something like this works well ‘right against the screen’ which is basically a HUD.
Also, I know nothing about the HUD
You just blew my mind on a whole different level.
I can’t thank you enough. It’s so awe-inspiring how you did this. I strongly salute that you used the 3 arrow logic because it looks fantastic. The triple poker will be transparent. It’s gonna be nuts.
Tweaking them a bit faster, the entire movement almost looks as close as it can get to this vision i had. I’m still playing in the unzipped folder before I transfer it to the full one.
(Seeing this wheel on 'delics was one of the most fascinating moments in my life, so you can consider this as something “supernatural” which has to do with the “is the universe a simulation?” theory, or that sort of stuffs. Had no idea what the alien letters were saying which makes it hard to give it meaningful functions in a game or something, but It’s a mystery.
For 6 years now I wanted to physically recreate this experience.
Guess I will accredit your username somewhere around this work. So, I will get back to you with the finished thing and HD videos and whatnot. :o
You’re welcome, feel free to mark it as answered, I think we got that far
Yes, can you convert the one with the rotating, random text .gif? Somewhere up there after my Make Array. I think this is the answer specifically for the question as the rest is pure project talk about further functions…
That’s why I had the 3 words that would travel up copy their text, and not be attached to the circle
Ah, and forget what I said about vectors and timelines there. You can just use the tick and a vinterp to move the words from where they are to the destination point, just like we did with the finterp above. ( vinterp is just a vector version of finterp ).
So I added this code to the component that moves upwards, basically it’s always trying to get to the top point on tick. It’s coordinates get reset by the transform ( in the 2 part BP I showed you further up ):
Where this says ‘Text’ initially is the component resting at it’s target. When I press O, it assumes the position of one of the other words on the wheel ( 2 part BP above ) and then the tick code here moves it back to the target spot, because that’s what it’s always trying to do, move to the target:
I have this ( i had to keep the gif short, but the numbers change from zero to a random digit when they pass the box which is at the base ):
It’s gonna take a bit of explaining, so bear with me. Also, I wont be around to answer until tomorrow now, so take your time…
You have to do it with child BPs.
So, make a new BP ( actor type ), all it contains is one text render component and one collision sphere ( about the size of the letter ). It has this code ( obviously you wont have a random digit, but your random alien letter ):
Then in your rotating circle BP, instead of the text render components, you have copies of this child BP.
You do this by clicking the +Add component and choosing child blueprint.
Then all you have to do is position them around the circle, like you did before. Each child knows when something has collided with it and can change it’s chacter accordingly.
We have to find an elegant way of only having one copy of your alien alphabet ( putting a separate copy in each child is not right ). Will get back to you on that one…
I think I got the right one…