Character Creator

It seems like it’s missing from the project. I send it to LinuxDonald directly. If anybody else requires it right now, please write an email to: ! The project will be updated again this week to include the FBX.

Thanks for reporting these issues. I have been able to reproduce them and they will be fixed shortly. As said above, please expect another update with those bugfixes soon.

Disappointing to see that Epic hasn’t improved the marketplace experience for sellers/buyers yet. If they had deal with hiccups like this internally work would be very slow and inefficient.

I will resolve this as soon as possible.

a little question on the price. originally the price of this was $99, then it became $117 and then $119, and now it’s $109. it’s been all over the place that it’s starting to confuse me if Epic has a bug in the marketplace on which the prices are glitched or is it due to the updated content?

Using Kobald animations for Rifle and Pistol, i am getting some REALLY bad results in the hands, wrists, lower arms, upper arms, and, the shoulder areas.

In the hands and wrists, they are bent and very distorted.
In the power arms, they are twisted and the morphs look terrible in the skin
the upper arms are having bad issues with the twisting and “bulking” of the visuals of the arms
The back gains a big “ridge” where the morphs are not weighted properly …

Anything other than a standard running or walking animation, this entire system just falls apart and looks terrible.

So far i have changed skeletons, poses, animations, even went as far to spend hours re-doing the location of the hands and arms in the original animations (after re-target) and it just never sits right.

I did notice that when i try and re-target, when i have the default robot guy in the left window and the umorph model in the right one, if i switch back and forth quickly to see the poses and whats different, i see the arms are longer, and the chest is lower (because of the neck there), everything but the lower body and head are different sizes/lengths.

I dont know if this should effect anything specifically, but, when doing anything with the hands/arms in any other position then the default idle and “straight arm” attacks, it breaks in a really bad and noticeable way

Also - quick update - i went the OTHER direction and used the umorph skeleton in the kobald default and i noticed that the animations become SUPER jacked up. All the locations were wrong for the hands and arms. They sat in his head, or, way up high in very contorted locations. So far, going from Kobald to this, not good at all. Going to this over to Kobald, even worse.

I was looking over the bones for this and i see a lot of “extra” ones in there. Says the bones are in the skeleton but not used for the mesh? something like “IRightHand” type naming methods. Would these be the issue? Can i remove these as everything else looks in the same place.

more edits!
So the extra bones are fine, wont cause an issue … structure looks the same, locations look the same … everything looks ok with the skeleton, and, thjat brings me to the rigging. I have added in other animations (other than Kubald) and i get the same results from those as well.

24 hours later …

So i had someone look at the skeleton and the rigging, it all looks spot on. He is working on a solution at this time to see what the issue is between Kubald animations and this skeleton, since, they are SUPPOSED to be exactly the same. I will update when i get a solution

Findings so far:

  1. Joints are in the wrong location when compared to the Epic/Unreal locations. Some slightly off, some are significantly off.
  2. When replacing the entire mesh with another robot based on the skele and physics, i get the exact same results as the “epic robot” and it looks fine. As soon as i replace that with the character mesh, everything gets all weird looking. Could this be a morph issue on the mesh?
  3. Shoulder and arm weight is all wrong … resolving it

(still digging)


Any ETA of the bug fixes for the female character? Cant wait to put my hands on it! cries


hey, i have found one more bug, on the character modification screen, i cant change the skin o f the female model.


I don’t use this, but I bet author moved joints in Maya, and didn’t configure the move tool correctly.
A lot of people do this, and they don’t know that by default Maya reorient joints when you move them unless you set the move tool to not do that… And then you see aberrations when you use the model with somebody else’s animations.

That very well could be as well. Some of the joints were off. The guy i have working on it said most people dont use a XYZ of 0,0,0 and that messes up a lot.
Also, he found the weights are really poorly done, so, its making a lot of bending and warping on animations. Only the arms and shoulders. We are working on resolving this now. For my company, not so much for release to resolve others issues … since im paying for this to be done on top of paying for this asset lol

head, chest, stomach, hips and all of the legs parts seem to work near perfect on every animation i have tested (kubald fighting, flying mage 2, cover pro, rifle pro, pistol pro, locomotion system 2)

issues have been posted to order66 and he will need to resolve before this is working and retargeting properly, but, i have informed him of the changes that need done. Male and female model.

Hey, i have sent you an email a few weeks ago because i need the FBX files, can you help me with tose ones?

what about Female update?

female Update is already out. But it’s still buggy.

I was under the impression there were going to be tutorials and documentation when the female character was released. Though I understand the female release was bug filled. What are the current plans?

It’s been like 2 weeks with no answer… I expected abit more of communication… since its a 110us asset…

Dude, i REALLY need the original FBX files to work on my project. at least if you cant fix the morph targets, i can work on them to get it working on my project. please contact me ASAP.


Can we get a change log please?
updated / changed / fixed / current known issue(s) ?

So this is it?

For me nothing has changed, the Female Morph’s are still flickering like in the video I posted, NO FBX to fit clothing to and not posts here for months, Bloody disgusting behavior

Is this working yet?