Character Creator

Any idea when this will be back on the marketplace? Also will you put it on sale when it comes back?

Good question!

I think it will never comeback or will get fixed. Have you read any new post from the creator on this thread? :wink:

It is so broken you would have to pay someone a good bit to fix it. I filed a complaint and he even never responded to epics requests to fix.

Question for the dev or whoever knows.
Why did he use “morph targets” instead of scaling Skeletal Bones (sliders in AnimBP)?

I made a modular character with 6 armor parts/ interchangeable. I’m looking for a way to change Body proportions of any bone = we need to scale bones.

The problem with “morph targets” is that they are bound to the Mesh (geometry), not the Skeleton (bone), correct?

  • In Blender, are Shape keys added to the Mesh, or to the Armature?

Because reading the last comments, it seems there was a clothing glitch.

  1. It might be that if Morph targets are applied to Mesh geometry (and not Bones/Armature), then every Morph would need to be [added in Blender] to every alternate Clothing mesh = I’d have to repeat the same thing 100 times.

Where as if a system was made to change Bone scales in UE > live in game, then we can make any clothing Mesh match the Body change - because they share the same Skeleton. (Thus if arm gets scaled +10, then both the Flesh arm and Shirt arm, will scale by an equal amount - they share the same weight paint influence for that bone.)

  1. Also to change Character height, I believe we need the Bone scaling method and not Morph targets - because if Leg bones get taller then Root bone must also get taller - or else Character Mesh feet will push below ground level. AND a Height-mod asset needs to be smart > to also communicate the height change to CharBP > Capsule height. Or else the total height of Character mesh will not match the Capsule = collision issues.

Please correct me if I am wrong about #1. And direct me to any asset that can do #2. I’ve asked 3 Sellers who make Bone sliders (AnimBP change); but they didnt consider that the code needs to speak to the CharBP > update Capsule height. So I’m waiting on them ‘if’ they decide to add it. :frowning: