Character Creator

This is right, the editor export will not generate an FBX like the original and a lot of stuff will not be there, including the morph targets which is crucial to succeed creating the clothing… and Im sure nothing of this changed in 4.18.

It looked like it was coming along well, but at this point I no longer care about the female character, just documentation/tutorials. I could have replaced it with my own models by now.

do we have any kind of update on this?

Any update bud?

​​​​​​​Can you give me an eta on the promised female character?

I’ll chime in with everyone else. When will the female model be added to the package?

It took some time to get all the necessary art assets produced and delivered.

All art assets have been finished now and I just need to finish the Blueprint implementation and add some morph values.

The update will be submitted to Epic in the next few days. Little preview:

Looks good. :}

BTW, the gif would not show up in the post for me. I had to extract the link and view it in a browser window.

That’s weird. Just in case somebody else has the same problem, here’s the direct link:

thank you sir, could you please also add th original FBX files or send that ones on a private mail chain?


I’ll add the original FBX into the Content folder of the project.

thanks! you rock!

Looks good bro, im pumped for this. <grumble, about time!> haha <3

Thanks :slight_smile: Looking forward to finally delivering this!

Female update is now live!

Kia ora

Thanks for all you hard work, can you please tell me if what I’m seeing is nomal, because I believe I have some issues, the is fully updates 4.18

Would be nice to have some tutorials for adding personal bodies and things like clothing hairs etc. I’d also like if I can have a wee dream a tutorial
for integrating this with the likes of Advanced Locomotion System

quick question,After I have created the character in Unreal,Is it possible to export it as an fbx to create custom clothes and sculpt it?

This is looking like a bug, I’ll investigate and get back to you.

A tutorial concerning this is the next thing that I will be working on.

Yes, you can. Also if you look in the “\CharacterCreator\Meshes\Female” there’s an FBX file there, no need to export it from UE4.

Hi, i have been testing the female character and i found a few issues, first of all, looks like the morph target is not affecting the clothes.

Also looks like unreal renamed all the extensions on the folder(including the FBX files) to “.uasset” and by simply renaming this to .fbx does not work…

and the last one that i found so far looks like an anchor or something that is deforming the female character on animations(check image below).


The fbx is not included. I have already report that to him. He will talk about that with epic