Character Creator

And another WIP:


Glad you like it :slight_smile:

I’m almost ready to add a character customization… this is my only choice… I can’t wait. :slight_smile:

Cool stuff! Can you show wired model?

Can anyone who has purchased the character creator tell how flexible the face morphing is? Specifically, is it currently diverse enough to create human NPCs without them all looking like brothers (or sisters).

just wondering if anyone who has purchased can describe what source files are included? My concern is that this is all done with morph targets and you cannot export fbx out of ue4 with morph targets intact. With out the morph targets on the fbx models it’d be impossible to create clothing assets that work well with the existing characters.

If you look at the default project and you simulate physics. It will crunch and fly everywhere with your default example project (no changes). Anyone know how to fix this?

lol or clones? clone wars!

I{ got this but i haven’t fully used it since i am waiting for the female model to complete. Wait for @order66 to answer that one - still holding my breath for the female to be completed before i can use this.

COOL .Can I integrate into the game as a character creation tool?

Is this project dead because if so we all need (DESERVE) our money back. @order66, when the hell are you going to make this package worth the price we paid you for it? PLEASE hurry up and finish this asset already or Epic should not allow you to sell anything else because you don’t deliver and want WAYWAY too much money for your “content”

Dude, chill. He is working on it. Like most of us I am sure he has a normal Full-time job + Family + etc. He has posted several images of his progress and I am sure does not want to rush an incomplete product.

It would be nice to have even a rough eta though.

You’re right I do apologize, I just bought this the day it was released and just feel a bit frustrated.

He is working on the next update. I think it will come this week or the next one.

Same here, i literally cant finish my project until hes done with the female model.
I know its frustrating man, hang in there, hes an honest guy and i have been talking with him since “day 1” of this release.
I would like it yesterday, but, i dont want some half arsed project where i have to spend hours fixing it or weeks waiting for updates getting it to work.
One of those “take your time, but, dont” situations lol.

I hope the update gets released soon.

Hey guys, i bought this asset some months ago and im not sure about how you guys design the clothes for the morph character, since the project does not come with the original FBX`s, how do you manage to do the clothe/hair/beard models?


It should come with the source FBX and Im baffled the MP submission team left this very thing out of the checklist, since they are really rigorous. I don’t have the package, but did you check all the other folders copied into the project to see if it is not there?

Already checked, no FBX files on any project folders.

You can export the model from the UnrealEngine. Open the Character Creator load the Model of the man an export as fbx.

yes, but this is not the original FBX file, this one does not export the textures and the UV from the original FBX, probably other things will be missing, i dont know if the exported fbx will respect the morph target. that is why i think that the best option is to get the original FBX files.