Character Creator

@order66 – how we looking bud? Things coming along? You have an ETA for update to marketplace yet?
The model is looking fantastic bud, great work!

hi, do you have any update on this?


Look up a basic (video or with screenshots) tutorial about passing variables from the Blueprint to the Animation Blueprint (you basically just get the owner in the AnimBP, cast to your class, then drag off the casted BP class reference to get at your sizes). Here’s an explanation though:

So you’d have e.g., HeadScale vector in your BP_Character as an editable variable.

In the AnimBP for your mesh in BP_Character, you’ll do the Get Owner node, then Cast to BP_Character. Drag off the reference from the Cast node and type “HeadScale” and your variable should appear.

Then you just need to make a corresponding variable in the AnimBP, and do a set node that sets it to the value from your BP_Character. You’ll then use the AnimBP’s variable in your animation graph.

Then do this for each bone you want to be able to scale (so probably most or all of them, though you can do things like set the scale of all the spine nodes at once etc.), with their own variable in the BP_Character and in the AnimBP, and set each one after you get the BP_Character reference from Get Owner -> Cast to BP_Character nodes.

And of course you already have it set up but you then just put some Modify Bone nodes (one for each bone you want to do) and plug in the variable from your AnimBP for the scale, and set to Replace, and fill in the bone name.

Hope that makes sense.

Hey bud, any update on the female release?

Any news up the update? If its been submitted or if its not happening? We stopped hearing from you and seeing no new updates from ya :slight_smile:

I am very new to game development, just playing around creating my own game in my own spare time… between work and school… which isnt much
I would very much like to know how to implement it into my own, as i have stopped development… to ad this… and i do not want to continue development if i will have to start all over.
I am also waiting for the female update, for the very same reason…

Any eta for 4.17 and FBX source coz of our custom cloths ? Thx

Is this dead?

Any updates on this???

I have reached out via Discord as well as PMs and, i have no reply in a month or more on this.

Sorry for the lack of updates. The female character is almost ready. The character itself is done already, but cloth & hair still need to be finished for the female.

If you guys rather have a little incomplete female character right now than a complete pack later on please let me know. I will then release it without all the planned content in place.

There you are sir!
Sheesh, where ya been !?!?
lol, i say as long as there is contact and updates, i don’t think anyone cares how long it takes. A “complete” package would be ideal. My situation is much different than others, since, i release Jan 1 2018 lol … soo … chop chop!



Can someone show off his results using this character creator please?
The models look really awesome and I would like to use this in my own project, but I dont know if its due to the rig or the animations; when animated the model kinda looks weird… somehow crippled…

Can you send some images with the problems you are having to please? I’ll be sure we can resolve the problems you are having.

Sorry that I didnt make this clear. I didnt buy this asset yet, because I am hesitating due to the above mentioned thing. Let me clarify this a bit more:
When you change your male character to it’s idle pose (where it holds a weapon in one hand), it kind of looks unnatural, as if it’s stretching its head out or as if its buckling a little

I think you can see it most clearly right here, at this second (3:52): [UE4] Character Creator - Create custom character in Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube

So I wanted to see examples of this character with different animations (prefarably the ones from kubold) in order to know whether the issue is the rig or the animations.

Just add the standard “nothing in my hand” idle animation and not the “just removed the weapon is all” animation … problem solved.
Tho, its easily fixed if we can add in our own animations … in that case i dont think it would even be an issue since we can use any anim set we want, thus, resolving the “animation is holding an item, but, item is not there” look …

I don’t care about the animations that are shipped with the character, to be honest (and I think you shouldn’t focus on delivering animations anyway)
I expect the character to be rigged to the Epic Skeleton, so that we can use other animations from the marketplace.
I just want to make sure that it is properly rigged, before I buy it. Because if its not, its practically useless

That’s what i was getting at -
As far as i can tell, it is rigged to UE skeleton and i dont see any issues so far - i havent done TOO much with it since its missing the female model, so, its pointless for me to really messed round with it as is (at my current stage).

I dont plan on really pushing my own animations until the female model is released, then i will really see what this thing can do (animation wise)

I agree that seller should not care with animations either. You could make a video showing the character you got set up playing in a level with whatever else animations you got (even the ones free at MP). The product would be a template showing how to do it. I know it is hard to do than say it, but you need to be very clear what is the main goal for your package and in my opinion is not to provide animations for the developer. If the sword is causing problems on the audience to see that it is just a template, rip it off and put a glove in its place. Just my few cents.