[Bug] Lumen GI looks more accurate with "Allow Static Lighting" is checked.

Hi, I am wondering if Lumen has a bug regarding global illumination because the unreal engine documentation suggests that for Lumen lighting, we should disable the “Allow Static Lighting” option.But global illumination looks better and correct when I enable “Allow Static Lighting”.
Lighting is dynamic so it shouldn’t affect the scene.

The second looks better to me :slight_smile:

but the upper image looks better the only difference is i enabled the “Allow Static Lighting” and for below It’s disabled

but isn’t it unrealistic it’s a sunny days and shadow are hiding all the detail but upper image looks more closer to what we observe in real life

I think the top image is a bit blown in places. It’s probably a personal thing…

I don’t think this is a bug, it’s most likely coming from your material AO. When allow static lighting is enabled, the AO from the material output is disabled.

trees don’t have AO texture

Maybe it is a bug then, I would try plugging a constant 1 into the trees AO output. If that doesn’t fix it then report it and make sure to mention that the tree has no AO texture.

I’d flip through the debug views under lit to see where exactly the differences are coming from. It’s not good to assume AO without checking.

I missed the AO texture of trees. it was hidden in material function. Even after disconnecting the AO and setting the AO to constant 1 doesn’t give result closer to upper image. It only make tree little bit lighter. i think there is bug. so I already reported it.