Is there a way to control how UE4 handles the padding and scaling of UV’s when it creates a second set of UV’s for light mapping? Currently I have several static meshes that have UV islands that are scaled smaller than the other UV islands. The light map UV’s that get created have all UV islands scaled to relatively the same size. I would like to have control over how the generated UV’s get scaled and packed.
Currently I’m creating my own second set of light map ready UV’s in Maya but if I could control how they are generated and packed that would be one less step!
You have Control over the padding but nothing else. UE4 is not a Modeling tool after all
And here is the part that gets a bit confusing. If you open your Mesh and look under LOD0->Build Settings->Min Lightmap resolution that Value basicly decides how much padding you get from the Autogenerated UVs if you set it lower it gives you bigger gaps because it expects Lightmaps to be of a smaller size therefore more padding to avoid bleeding. (Dont forget to hit the Apply Changes button to see the results)
But the real Lightmap Resoulution is under Static Mesh Settings->Light Map Resolution
So yeash if you want to have Full Control over UVs you have to stick with Maya.
Like described above. Hit Apply bellow. If you reffer to getting as much space as possible covered you got to Handcraft or use external tools that are specialized in doing so. Such as this one: IPackThat on Steam