UE5.4.3 hotfix released and yet again broke shadow maps (CSM) when used with instanced stereo. I’ve been updating the above link with information as it is a bug report. I’ve also included a working patch for those needing dynamic shadows for forward rendering with instanced stereo or mobile multiview in forward rendering.
Below is the behavior I’ve outlined for each setting in UE5.4.3 vanilla launcher.
Forward Rendering + instanced stereo (shadows broken in left eye)
Forward Rendering - instanced stereo (shadows working normally)
Deferred Rendering (VSM) + instanced stereo (shadows working normally)
Deferred Rendering (VSM) - instanced stereo (shadows working normally)
Deferred Rendering (CSM) + instanced stereo (Shadows broken in left eye)
Deferred Rendering (CSM) - instanced stereo (Shadows working normally)