Ive crafted a projectile on a custom collision channel(ECC_GameTraceChannel1) that is basically just a big collision sphere that is suppose to sit in its position and trigger overlap traces. The idea is it will act like a smoke cloud that obscures vision and prevents weapons from locking on to their targets.
It works fine so long as the player is standing outside the projectile, but as soon as they walk into the projectile the LineTraceMultiByChannel() that Im using fails to detect the projectile. This allows the player to lock onto targets while within the cloud, which is not the goal.
Im pretty certain the projectile’s collision settings are fine, since the trace works perfectly when the player is outside of the projectile.
Is there a setting in FCollisionQueryParams or the Trace that will tell it to include hits that it starts the trace within?
Ive tried bFindInitialOverlaps in FCollisionQueryParams but it did not seem to work.