31.10 Community Bug Fixes

The following list of fixes is from issues that you submitted to us on the forums. Thank you for your patience and for reporting these issues!

Hi, this update broke one of our features with the Down But Not Out Device and was wondering if this was intended. It is a map with no teams but beforehand we could enable it for a class and turn on “Last Man Standing Mode” and the player would go down even with no teammates. Now they don’t and has messed up a couple parts of my map. Is this intended? (or another way to have players go down with no teammates)

Please start a new thread if you’re having issues, so it can be tracked.

Thank you!

We have someone working on a fix, thank you for the report!

We’re working on a fix for the DBNO issue affecting non-team games. The workaround is to set “Team” to “None” or set “Invert Team Selection” to “True.”

yeah you missed about 20 others im about to report another :man_facepalming: