Down But Not Out Device is No Longer Working

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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The down but not out device does not work and my this bug was confirmed by others on Reddit. The device is not subscribable and performs none of its functions. I have tested it both manually calling on it to down the agent by pressing a button as well as in verse code which is what I intended. I am wondering if this is a different instance of the device as well because I went to an older map that already had the device and it works perfectly fine with the exact same lines of code.

Steps to Reproduce

On begin: subscribe to AgentDownedEvent (this was tested with island settings having down but not out) - player can be downed using island settings but the AgentDownedEvent does not trigger

@editable DownManager : down_but_not_out_device = down_but_not_out_device{}
for (Player : GetPlayspace().GetPlayers(), FortCharacter := Player.GetFortCharacter, Agent := FortCharacter.GetAgent):

Print(“Agent Downed”)

On Button interact: Down Player

Expected Result

Log prints out “Agent Downed” when agent is downed.

Player is put into downed state

Observed Result

Log does not print anything

Nothing happens



Additional Notes

Can whatever update happened to this device be rolled back since the previous one worked? Waiting on this for my map.

When are they planning to fix this or have they acknowledged this?

I haven’t seen any other reports of this and it doesn’t have any votes. Could you link me to the other reports? Thank you!

Hey do you have more details about your project set up? I tried this locally and it is firing the event/subscribing.

See the attached image of the DNBO device settings. This is the simplest way for me to test it.

I can now get myself to get downed, however, I cannot get the log to indicate that the AgentDownedEvent has been listened to. Here is some simple test code:

DBNO_test := class(creative_device):
@editable DBNO : down_but_not_out_device = down_but_not_out_device{}
Print(“Agent Downed”)

Most of the reports I saw were on Reddit and not on the forum. I believe it may be because invert class selection and team selection. It is not clear to me because the descriptions for these are two options ALL BUT SELECTED and ONLY SELECTED, but the box is just true or false. What is the association? I will play with these in the mean time.

Not sure if my previous message is listed as a “reply”. Please see my other comments.