Yet another FPS blueprint tutorial

Thanks Geodav! That got me going again. arbopa’s blog is better than whats on wiki.

The S_modes had me tripped up. Here is the image for S_mode on wiki A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

and here is the correct image for S_modes from arbopa’s blog

Hi MountainDew, i guess the best way atm is to have both the wiki and the blog open, arbopa is doing his best keeping things uptodate but the more you learn the more options appear on how to do things

Yeh right on GeoDave,
I got a new problem. I made it to this page the part about if we did everything ok and we click host we should see our map in few seconds, When I click the button to Start Hosting all I get is the Error MSG widget that we made at the begging of the tutorial. I put a print string on the Create advanced Session node on the success pin and its dead. I dont have any compile errors.

I am on road beck from montana… 12 hr road trip. So hope to get to all this monday. I know I have pm’s asking for help to. Eill get to all of it when home.

sorry had a few hours playing a different game :wink:
@MountainDew check the output window or log file, you might have missed something or typo-ed the map names

my loading screen never shows but not to bothered about that atm
uh just read the part that it might not show on small levels !!! just you wait till i get going :wink:

Thanks again for the help and this tutorial! My output window was complaining about OnlineSubSystem, so I googled it and UE4 answer Hub said to add
[OnlineSubsystem]DefaultPlatformService=Null to the deaultEngine.ini file.

So I did and now its working. But Im thinking this disables online Multiplayer. So much to learn, so little time.

I put a delay in after the show loading node to get my loading screen to show.:slight_smile:


If anyone needs some support for this feel free to post it here also. I will check back every now and then and help out with anything.

Well Im stuck again. Im on this page of the tut all the way at the bottom, and I added the steam Scripts in the defaultengine.ini deleted online subsytem that was set to null and Im getting the error msg widget again. My output log LogScript:Warning: CreateSession - Invalid or uninitialized OnlineSubsystemLogScript:Warning: CreateSession - Cannot map local player to unique net ID

I figured it out. I copy and pasted the Steam info from Arbopa blog and it doesnt work for what ever reason. I copy and pasted from wiki and it works just fine.

Hello everyone,
i’m working in a little project and following your wiki step by step, i found my first problem creating the main menu. I wrote 3 macro and prepared main menu widget, but on blueprint look like and not like your
What should be the problem?

Hi Farby911 had the same problem arbopa helped me out with this info

not to sure atm but i think i had to change it in the macro

Yup Geodav is right that input node needs to be the
State enum that you created at the moment it is a Byte

problem solved, thank you so much guys :slight_smile:

I finally had a very limited amount of time to start adding more… also cleared out some things from my build and archived it up and threw it on dropbox, as some were requesting the project to compare to theirs. Its > 330 megs, not sure what stuff I need to NOT archive up… if anyone knows let me know I’ll re-do it smaller.

Sorry if i’m writing again, i finished to compile until loading screen. but this is the result (i took the result by log file):
PIE: Info Play in editor start time for /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_0_MM_Map -0.034
[2015.10.14-12.15.43:933] 99]LogBlueprintUserMessages: Late PlayInEditor Detection: Level ‘/Game/Maps/MM_Map.MM_Map:PersistentLevel’ has LevelScriptBlueprint ‘/GameMaps/MM_Map.MM_Map:PersistentLevel.MM_Map’ with GeneratedClass ‘/Game/Maps/MM_Map.MM_Map_C’ with ClassGeneratedBy ‘/Game/Maps/MM_Map.MM_Map:PersistentLevel.MM_Map’
[2015.10.14-12.15.51:782][467]LogScript:Warning: CreateSession - Invalid or uninitialized OnlineSubsystem
[2015.10.14-12.15.51:782][467]LogScript:Warning: CreateSession - Cannot map local player to unique net ID
[2015.10.14-12.16.25:673] 7]LogBlueprintUserMessages: Early EndPlayMap Detection: Level ‘/Game/Maps/MM_Map.MM_Map:PersistentLevel’ has LevelScriptBlueprint ‘/Game/Maps/MM_Map.MM_Map:PersistentLevel.MM_Map’ with GeneratedClass ‘/Game/Maps/MM_Map.MM_Map_C’ with ClassGenera

Read my post #67 try what I did there and see if it gets you going.

but this disable online system, right?

yeh but its a good way to check and make sure everything else is working ok. If that fixes it I was going to give you the line of script that will fix your problem plus enable online system.