
Hello @Zezkaii; I hope also you are having a good time. XR22-Battleship is in PC and VR.
I’m planing to release first a demo (PC and VR) in my website (without EOS) and then after to the market.
But I just saw for the market that all multiplayer game have to be compliant with crossplay…
“Games with multiplayer functionality must support crossplay across all PC storefronts”.
So I have to work a little bit on that as I was only compliant with the EOS.
When the demo will be release you can already test the game but only in single player.

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Thanks, @J_Tox, and happy Monday! I’m glad to hear I’ll be able to participate in demo testing; I’m looking forward to playing! :partying_face:

Hello :wave:. I think that I will keep my lobby as it is now. :thinking::roll_eyes:

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There’s something so wholesome about the slight waving you did as the helicopter ascended and descended that warms my heart! :face_holding_back_tears:

This lobby looks great as it is, and I’m sure any changes you decide to implement along the way will make it that much better. Thank you for the update, and I hope you have a fantastic weekend! @J_Tox

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Thanks for your strong support and feedback.
We finally upgraded our AI for the single player level . The AI will be almost at the same level as a human.
I wish you a good weekend. :+1:

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I appreciate the good wishes, @J_Tox; my weekend was great! Now that your AI is upgraded, how soon do you expect to close in on your demo? No rush, of course; I’m just excited to try it out! :grin:

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Helllo #Zezkaii, for sure the demo will be for December.
We just try to improve a little bit more the AI.
The stability of the game is already good.
I will be very happy to tell you when it is ready.
Thanks a lot for your constant feedback :+1:

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It’s no problem at all. I’m glad I can help! A December beta test sounds good. It’s getting chilly outside; Tis the season. :cold_face: :christmas_tree:

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XR-22BATTLESHIP in single player was not having a strong strategy to compete with a human.
I was using a hunt/target strategy for the AI.
So I decided to utilize the Probability Density Functions.
Working on it.

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Hello again, @J_Tox; I hope you’re having a swell Monday! Unfortunately, your attached video won’t load for me; no worries. Things are progressing smoothly; I wouldn’t want to be able to beat the Ai in single-player mode too quickly. Knowing me, though, I’ll still find a way to lose. :laughing:

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Hello #Zezkaii, thanks hor the following.
Yes indeed the AI was too weak and the consequence had a direct link to the competitiveness of the multiplayer level.
So in single player it will be possible to train yourself in a strong strategy approach to be able to beat some multiplayer opponents.
Have a good week.

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That’s wonderful to hear, @J_Tox; I’ll need all the training from a strong Ai opponent I can get. :laughing:

I hope you’re having a great week as well! :grin:

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Hello, dear community,
Unfortunately, XR22-Battleship will not be released for 2022 as I was not able to finish my probability density functions. Why is an algorithm of probability density functions needed in my game? The algorithm for probability density functions will help the player in single-player mode to have a stronger strategic approach. I’m finally on the right track. Merry Christmas and have a creative 2023!

:christmas_tree: :clinking_glasses: :clap:

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No worries, @J_Tox; this is a necessary developmental delay! A stronger AI opponent will make for better replayability in the long run! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and thank you for the update. :christmas_tree: :partying_face:

:ship:Hello, The AI’s implementation of Probability Density Functions is COMPLETE :clinking_glasses: & it can sink a fleet in 50 shots or less! Sharpen your strategy & take on the challenge in multiplayer. In single player mode, you will be challenged by the AI. As you progress, you will sharpen your strategy to compete in multiplayer mode

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I know it’s a little late, but Happy New Year @J_Tox; it’s lovely to see another update from you concerning “Xr22-battleship!” It’s even better seeing you managed to implement the AI’s competitive functionality! :clinking_glasses:

Now I’ll be able to train myself to take on other players in multiplayer without being completely blown out of the water. :laughing:

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Hello @Zennzaii, it’s never too late to receive good wishes as it gives me the positive momentum to continue. I had to make a choice about that AI and I think I made the right one for the future. I am now in the process of debugging because I also made a change to the composition of the fleet:

So, for the two grids above, it represents 17 cells in total for each fleet.
In my previous version, I had:
1 x carrier (5 cells),
1 x battleship (4 cells),
1 x cruiser (3 cells),
2 x submarines (2 cells),
2 x patrol boats (1 cell),
for a total of 18 cells.
Now, my new fleet is:
1 x carrier (5 cells),
1 x battleship (4 cells),
1 x cruiser (3 cells),
2 x submarines (2 cells),
for a total of 16 cells.
This was to avoid copyrighted size numbers of cells. But changing from 18 cells to 16 cells was quite a nightmare with the functions and the arrays. Now it works perfectly.
Thanks for your support

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It was a great decision to adjust the cell size number to steer clear of any copyright issues. It’s essential that your efforts are protected! I’m sorry to hear that it was a challenging task, but I’m delighted you persevered and successfully resolved the issue. It’s even better knowing that everything is functioning perfectly now. Let’s keep the positivity flowing with each new update! It’s clear skies ahead for Xr22 Battleship. :ship: :grin:

I have been working on my website and social media pages to begin spreading information about my game. I have included the link to my website below, and I would appreciate any feedback you can provide.

My goal was to create a website that is simple yet attractive. If you could provide me with some feedback, I would be very grateful.

Thank you,

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I like the site. Very nice images even if it takes a little to long to load them. It is very simplistic and easy to understand wich i like a lot.

Here is also a short feedback of what i noticed:

  • The first i noticed was the “player mode” is shown twice for me. Is this a mistake, some sort of placholder or are the links are maybe wrong? If not you should check this.
An image of what i see for player mode in here

  • I like the first image really. Looks like this is an image from the game itself (guess it is the bridge). It is just not clear to see at first this is the good old battleship i played as a kid.
    Just my opinion but if you want to show a the first view what kind of game you can expect maybe it would stand out more if you split the image. Showing left the bridge as it is now and on the right a view from the top?

Meant to be just some short feedback, hope it helps.