
Thank you so much for the feedback.
We changed the first picture of the Home screen and put back an older subtitle related to the old battleship game in pen and paper.
We added a small paper grid to make a link to that subtitle, in the hopes that it is less confusing and that those who were playing with the paper version will make sense of it. Concerning the double image of Player Modes, I really don’t know where it is coming from. Finally, we will decrease the weight of the images for faster uploading. Thanks again and I hope you will visit the website again to give us feedback.


The “player mode” section looks now normal for me. :slight_smile:

The good: I think after the change of the image you can see immediately what this game is about.
The downside … for me it does not really look as good as it was before, it just dont seems to fit in there very well.

Just a suggestion.
Have you tried to change the camera angel a little to look more from above and make the outlines of the playfield very visible (just for the screenshot). Also adding more ships? I guess this would look more professional and you could still see what this game is about. Maybe also put the paper you have into the water as background.

I hope you get more feedback about this, because i only know how i would do this.

And i hope you really dont run into license issues, this is very close to the original. :slight_smile:


Hello Thanks for the feedback !!
Yes indeed I prefer the older image version. But in the subtitle there is a reference of the the grid-based “Battleship” games … FROM 2D PEN AND PAPER …"
It is possible that I will do this in the ABOUT…

Concerning the COPYRIGHT…: ChatGPT[
“Battleship” is a registered trademark owned by Hasbro, which means that no one else can use the exact same name for their product without permission. However, the gameplay of the classic grid-based “Battleship” game is not protected by trademark law, meaning that anyone can create a game with the same or similar gameplay mechanics as long as they use a different name and don’t infringe on any patents or copyrights related to the game. In other words, the specific rules and gameplay mechanics of “Battleship” are not owned by Hasbro and are available for anyone to use.]

I made some search about and at the end my only problem will be the name of my game: XR22-BATTLESHIP as “Battleship” is a registered trademark owned by Hasbro.
So I think that I have to change the name…
Thank you again for your very constructive feedback.


What name changes are you considering? :eyes:

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There you have it! A game title/name just as worthy as Xr22-battleship; well done @J_Tox; I ship it! :partying_face:


Hello, after three years and three months, I can finally put my release (expected in June with early access) on the Epic Games Store. I have to start with the single-player version on the market because Epic requires the game to have CrossPlay in order to be multiplayer. So, I’m working on the single version for Steam and will later implement CrossPlay on both platforms.
Thanks for your support.

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WIP for the Final release:

Player can choose their country flag.
Player can choose the gender of their avatar.
Player can choose between automatic placement of ships or manual placement of ships.

Here is the video demonstrating the auto/manual placement:

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