Wrong transformations in Sequencer


First pic - sequence render,
Second - Viewport screenshot of unrendered sequence.

My car is skeletal mesh. When I use separate process car is levitating with wrong rotation and position (like a helicopter)

How to solve this problem? Many thanks!

I forgot to mention one thing: the car is recorded using “Record in Sequencer” context button. I cant animate it manually because I need natural physics

Not sure. Could be a number of things. It looks like the sequence plays and scrubs in editor just fine right? Are there any physics components on the wheels? Sequence recorder would have recorded the final positions of the wheels and created transform tracks for them. It effectively would teleport the wheels to the final positions, disabling any physics on those objects when playing back sequencer tracks.

Dear Max.Chen,
Thanks for your reply. I not solved this yet, Physics asset is simple: box for chassis and 4 spheres for wheels - total 4 child bones. In editor all looks perfect: animation, physics, whels. But when recording to movie wheels became teleported.
If I can overcome this problem I will post my solution

Hi FelixTheWhale! But do your wheels rotate fine, or the position of just off? Beacouse I have a problem with wheel not moving in sequencer, position is fine in my case, but they aren’t moving.

Hi. I encountered this before, try to check the box in sequence recorder called “record child animations” or something like this.

I tried every single checkmark in sequance recorder, but nothing helpes. Did you have same kind of problem before?
There are 2 settings most similar to your recommended one, “Record in World Space” and “Remove root animation”.
Also I tried to Possessable/Spawnable, nothing help.
When I expend it in sequances, I see that there are 4 object in red, which say “The object bound to this track is missing” so seems like these are the 4 wheels.
Do you have any idea how can I make it work? Thank you!

Hi again, I think you need to remove all red-colored objects and leave only your vehicle.

Second, checkbox “In world coordinates”.

Third, check your physics asset: your wheels should be correct in “Physics Asset Tab” (Try to rotate manually). In that asset should be CHASISS and 4 CHILD WHEELS.

Also, If this not helps, try to record by Right Click on the Vehicle → Record in Sequencer.
I hope this helps.

PS: If not, you can record pseudo animation by rotating wheels along the all timeline from 0 degrees to … million. Like a fake rotation…

Hi! Thanks for detailed points. But non of these work, it just won’t move.
Btw, I tried to uncheck “Create Level Sequance” in the sequence recorder and my wheels got wrong position as yours. Did you try with “Create Level Sequance” checked?

But I see the problem is not about my current model, I tried the same with Simple Vehicle and Advanced Vehicle templates, and wheels aren’t moving in all templates.
I believe it could be some kind of bug.

Yes, my screenshots are from created level sequence. Unfortunately, my project is crashed and I lost all data (and vehicle too) to reproduce this again.
But, as I said, the problem is solved by re-adjusting physics asset and wheels class (in vehicle blueprint). Maybe its important detail, but when I imported vehicle, I have not made rigging at all - it was made automatically by UE4 and it worked.

Long story short: if you are not sure in your asset, Re-import it.

Default vehicle recorded fine for me. But I believe this features are bugged in some way, you are right. I dont know how to help you.

Thank you Felix! I will let you know as I get any success.

Maybe here its another problem with “seperate process”, but sequencer recorded animation from world origin (checkmark in recorder). For me I solved it with the following when it was recorded with world origin:

Workaround for this is sometimes uncheck visibility for the original skeletal mesh then put another skeletal mesh track with the same model at world origin (0,0,0) and add the recorded animation track. This fixed “wired” animations in sequencer for me.

Hey I was having this spooky issue too, where the transform while scrubbing in sequencer was different to the render.

What fixed it reliably for me was disabling ‘use quaternion interpolation’ in the transform section in sequencer. Even though I had a keyframe on every frame I guess unreal decided to do some interpolation anyway and wrongly at that.