Worldsettings_1 error appears and disappears quickly

Hey, ever since I updated to 4.11 I get this weird bug when I build my lighting.
I get a window that warns me that my Worldsettings_1 needs to be rebuilt.
It only lasts for half a second then the text disappears and there are no warnings and everything seems normal.

Are anyone else getting these problems?

Update 1:
I guess that I will reinstall the engine. Yet again, if anyone is getting a similar problem, please report back.

Update 2:
Back again… No good news here. I reinstalled the engine by removing all files associated with the engine. Trust me, I did a clean wipe of all the files. Still the Worldsettings_1 error appears and disappears as before. This is definitely a new bug that came along with the 4.11 update.

Update 3:
The error only occurs if I move a model or actor in the scene. For example if I build the light in my scene 2 times in a row without moving a model, no error message shows up. As soon as I move a model and build the light again. The error shows up.

Update 4:
It can be good to know the following things:
As I mentioned above, the build process shows the error for a brief second then it disappears. It shows up as soon as I press the build light button. When the lighting is then built it disappears and shows no errors.
I have only tested this on a new project with the settings (Desktop / Console) (Maximum Quality) (No Starter Content).

Thanks for reading and someone… Please respond if you have experienced something of a similar fashion.

Hi Elias,

This was originally reported internally, but I can’t find the ticket at the moment to know the status.

IIRC it was determined a non-issue because it’s only a check that lighting needs to be rebuilt. When you hit the build button it see’s that something has changed and need with geometry moving, which throws the map check error. Then once the lighting build starts it’s cleared. It doesn’t affect your level in any direct way other than being a map check warning that goes away after a moment.

Thank you for taking the time to report.


hi, i’m experiencing the exact problem, and yes it’s true when i move one object it appears.
idk it’s important or not but it won’t go away and when I hit play, the error is in top left side.