Hey, ever since I updated to 4.11 I get this weird bug when I build my lighting.
I get a window that warns me that my Worldsettings_1 needs to be rebuilt.
It only lasts for half a second then the text disappears and there are no warnings and everything seems normal.
Are anyone else getting these problems?
Update 1:
I guess that I will reinstall the engine. Yet again, if anyone is getting a similar problem, please report back.
Update 2:
Back again… No good news here. I reinstalled the engine by removing all files associated with the engine. Trust me, I did a clean wipe of all the files. Still the Worldsettings_1 error appears and disappears as before. This is definitely a new bug that came along with the 4.11 update.
Update 3:
The error only occurs if I move a model or actor in the scene. For example if I build the light in my scene 2 times in a row without moving a model, no error message shows up. As soon as I move a model and build the light again. The error shows up.
Update 4:
It can be good to know the following things:
As I mentioned above, the build process shows the error for a brief second then it disappears. It shows up as soon as I press the build light button. When the lighting is then built it disappears and shows no errors.
I have only tested this on a new project with the settings (Desktop / Console) (Maximum Quality) (No Starter Content).
Thanks for reading and someone… Please respond if you have experienced something of a similar fashion.