WorldPosition node output broken on mobile

The “WorldPosition (Excluding Material Offsets)” node outputs invalid coordinates in both the mobile previewer and on an iOS device. It appears to just output 0.0. Here is a picture of the example setup in 4.12:

And here is a [4.12 Example project][2].

To reproduce:

  1. Drop the map and material into a blank 4.12 project.
  2. Open WorldCoords_Bug.umap and run it in the mobile previewer or on an iOS device.
  3. Note that the texture appears as a flat color.

Here is a comparison vs PC:

Note that if you use “WorldPosition (Including Material Offsets)”, it does output coordinates but they still don’t come out as expected on the device, compared to PC ([link][4]).

Hello Spoondog,

Thank you for taking the time to write up this verbose bug report. Fortunately, this issue has been caught and reported already as UE-25532.

Once a fix has been made, it will be added to the list of known and fixed issues to the next upcoming major engine release or hotfix.

Thank you,

Ok that’s good to know, thanks.

I need this feature for mapping custom drawn shadows to the world, and am intending to release on three platforms in about 2 months, so please consider this “community interest +1” :slight_smile:

Hey guys/girls,
is there any update on this issue?

We are currently working on a multiplatform project where the materials are applied to a random generated terrain using the absolute world position and because we are also using the material offset quite heavilly I need the position excluding the material offset but like Spoondog said the result is just a flat color on iOS.

So is there a workaround for getting the world pos excluding offset or do we have to wait until this is fixed? If we have to wait, when can we expect a fix for this?
Best regards, Joey

The issue is still unresolved at the moment, but has been marked to be fixed for an upcoming major engine release. This is all the information I have at this moment.

I am also experiencing this issue. Thanks for the update!
Community interest +1 :wink:

I am also interested in this issue.
The world position is also used in the fog of war, which causes problems on the mobile.