Hello , i am facing a problem of lighting not being built . I have used foliage tool to place multiple trees and grasses , i tried using [Error] "Maps need lighting rebuilt." - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums this method of Force No Precomputed Lighting to remove all the lightmaps and reloading the map still the problem remained.
I have tried cloning the project file to get the problem resolved,I tried migrating the entire level to a new project without any success.
When i check the swarm agent i notice that it is getting stuck at exporting the scene and it doesnt progress to emmiting photons.
I tried to bake after deleting all the foliage instanced objects and the scene started emmiting photons but even after more than 12+ hrs it was stuck at 3% .
In my scene i have a stationary skylight and a static direction light.
Any help would be appreciated.