World Locked Stereo Layer in Wrong Position on Vive

Stereo Layer set to world locked is in wrong position. It is offset to below where it should be and shifts right and left faster than objects that are at the distance from the camera.

To Reproduce:

  • Using the VR Template, set up a VR Scene.
  • Create an Actor Blueprint.
  • Add a Cube component that is one unit on an edge to the defauldSceneRoot in the new Blueprint.
  • Add a Stereo Layer component that is also one unit by one unit also to the defaultSceneRoot.
  • Both Cube and Stereo Layer should be at 0,0,0
  • Select “World Locked” as the Steroe Layer Type
  • Select “Quad Layer” as the Stereo Layer Shape.
  • Add a Texture To the layer
  • Drag the Actor into the Scene
  • Go into VR

The Stereo layer will appear Lower than the cube, when it should appear in the center of the cube. It also will move from left to right quicker than the cube when the user moves from left to right, almost as if it was closer to the user than the cube (parallax effect of things closer moving faster in relation to thing further from them)


We’ve recently made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.


Was your VR Pawn set up in the level with a rotation to face the content by default? I have found that if the VR Pawn rotation remains (0, 0, 0) then the Stereo layer behaves as expected in VR. But any rotation to the Pawn throws off the tracking and they will float around in the view.