I am currently working with an HP WMR setup and I am fairly new to Unreal VR. I am trying to set up the controllers and can only find Oculus and Vive controller meshes.
Do I need to include a package and if so, what is it?
While I am on the topic, I saw there was build in support for WMR but whenever I start, SteamVR always launches.
First, if the controller is added into your Character via code which it is in my case, you can also set the bDisplayDeviceModel to true (or call SetShowDeviceModel with true as a parameter). This has to be done in BeginPlay and not in the constructur or UE Editor crashes after it compiles.
Secondly, you can set in the BP Editor just by selecting the check under Visualisation.
There’s a gotcha with the second method where I read you can’t edit them if you set the names to LeftController or RightController, which I had. Also, if adding via C++ you need to set the UPROPERTY.
I guess I’ve answered my own question about the WMR controllers.
Hi, I am fighting with the same issue: I am trying to show the default WMR controllers in a blueprint only project. If I use “Visualization/Display Device Model” with “Display Model Source” set to “Default” on the MotionControllers in my pawn nothing is rendered.
I can turn this feature off and add a custom mesh to the MotionController. This is rendered as expected and the tracking with the WMR controllers also works just fine.
But I haven’t found a way to find/use the default WMR controller meshes.