With 4.16 BP OpenLevel fails when packaged (Windows)

Works fine in earlier versions. Works fine in preview mode in the editor, OpenLevel called from UMG button event.

Logs during play are as follows:

LogPlayLevel: Test: [2017.05.25-09.25.37:575][212]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [InvalidURL]: Invalid URL: /Game/MapX LogPlayLevel: Test: [2017.05.25-09.25.37:575][212]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [ClientTravelFailure]: Invalid URL: /Game/MapX

Fails when packaged and when run through the launcher.


  • Clean builds
  • Re-saving maps
  • Re-generating solution and building in VS
  • Triggering from level blueprint

Nope back to 4.15 for the mo’

Same issue. Any workaround?

+1 for the question. Have the same problem seems that after creating session, open level fails. Project migrated from 4.15 to 4.16

Glad it’s not just me this time :slight_smile: I’m having the exact same issue, the game works great in 4.15, but refuses to servertravel from console execute. Everyone connects to the lobby and I can see interaction between the players, but when they try to move to an actual level together it fails with a useless message

Duplicate post here:

A lot of developers have the same issue with the new 4.16 on Android / HTML / Windows. Hope for an hotfix very soon.

In the package settings there is an advance arrow under “Packaging.” There is a checkbox for “Cook everything…blah blah blah”

Check that checkbox and see if it works.
There is also a “list for Maps to include in a packaged build”

If you dont want to cook everything.

Thanks that fixed it. Strange that this got lost in the migration from 4.15.

worked !! thank you, i also enabled compress cooked packages under that same advanced section, halfed my export size and more. html projects doesnt seem to work anymore when you enable compression in the HTML section for some reason.

Thanks a lot. :slight_smile: That fixed it for me as well.

this works for my project

it work for me too! Thanks