Unreal Engine 4.16 Bug Report (Open Level)

It seems that the blueprint node (Open Level) do not work properly on Android device since the update 4.16
The node does his normal job on PC/Editor but does not load any level once you run your build on a mobile device “Android in my case”. I’ve tested a series of scripts between 4.15 / 4.16, it became clear that something is broken in the 4.16.

also experiencing this issue with my HTML game that i uploaded to my website, i hope it gets fixed, killing my portfolio :frowning:

Duplicate post here:

A lot of developers have the same issue with the new 4.16 on Android / HTML / Windows. Hope for an hotfix very soon.

Same issue.

Open an map empty from another empty map, it’s OK.

From Callback: blame of New GC in 4.16

New GC???

In my game , destructible function visit game mode, it works well On Windows, but not on Android. New GC is ok itself, but behave different on different platform.