[WIP] Hair Material with anisotropic reflections

Do you drive the reflection highlights from a map like in ue3? Like this one → UDK | AnisotropicLighting
I’d love to pick your brain on how you made this.

PS - Enjoy the coffee :smiley:

Very quick update!

The material is almost complete (90%), I’m working on clean nodes and reorganize all the chaos

I hope to finish it soon :slight_smile:

The material use a texture to add “noise” but not to control the aniso direction.

Thanks for the coffee :smiley:

Great stuff, enjoy my coffee. :cool:

Thanks for the coffee :smiley:

Quick update!

Testing my hair material with Tracer from OverWatch :slight_smile:


Awesome… simply awesome.

Hola que tal, realmente impresionante el trabajo que estas haciendo, solo una pregunta, cuanto costará este material una vez lo termines y también, este tipo de cabello podrá moverse como si fuera real, me refiero al que tiene la textura “real”, la verdad es que soy muy nuevo en esto del 3D y no se si mi pregunta sea boba jajaja

Bueno te deseo éxito y que pronto termines este material Saludos

For the english people, “Guessde” ask about price and physics :slight_smile:

About price, it will be FREE for all!! :slight_smile:

In Spanish

Gracias :slight_smile:
En los sitios compartidos con el resto de la comunidad intenta escribir en inglés, es el idioma “oficial” para estos casos :slight_smile:
Que el cabello se mueva o no depende de otras cosas, no del material que utilices para ello, te recomiendo que mires algunos tutoriales sobre hair bones y Apex

El material será gratis! pero siempre puedes invitarme a un café :smiley:


Thanks! :o

You da man !

I must say, this is coming along quite nice! Keep up the good work.


Thanks :smiley:

Nice job! Looking forward to see it done! Enjoy the coffee.

Ty for the coffee :smiley:

Release Free Hair Material for all :slight_smile:

Thank you…truly awesome…

Thanks! :smiley:

Very nice work. I’ve been wanting this for quite some time. You should put it on the marketplace, I’d definitely pay for this. =)

Good news for you, the Material is Free for all here :slight_smile:

You can buy me a Coffee if you want :smiley:
