Widget Animation only playing after a short Delay?

So for the past few days i have been trying to learn Unreal Engine Blueprints.
I was following a tutorial that explained a bit about widgets and being able to animate them. It’s quite a simple Blueprint so i was really stumped as to why it wouldn’t be able to function.

For the past day i just couldn’t get it to work and after lots of searching i finally found a solution to my problem right here: Widget Animation not starting when trying to do a simple loop

Honestly, im not entirly content with this solution as it just seems to be a work around. Does anybody know why i need to put in a delay? is there another way to actually make it work like intended?

Im currently in version 4.27.2

Can you show the offending script? How is the animation triggered?

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Here is the script that casts to my widget and searches for the animation.
as you can see there is a short delay of 0.1 that is use to make this work. if that delay is not in the script ot simply wont trigger.

I think i should also mention that no errors are actually shown when the delay is not in implemented.

Thanks for the reply!

Again, what triggers it? :smiley: What is this connected to? Begin Play? (seeing this is some sort of PickUp)

short delay of 0.1 that is use to make this work

Almost certain this would work with delay 0.0, too - can you confirm?

So we’re talking about the widget component here. There’s probably a way to remove the delay but more details are needed regarding the setup.

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Oh im sorry! i misunderstood! bear with me :smiling_face_with_tear:
It triggers by an On Component Begin Overlap.

I also tried the delay on 0.0 and the animation sadly does not trigger.

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Lets see if I got it right:

  • there’s a PickUp actor with a widget component
  • a ball pawn overlaps it
  • this triggers the PickUp actor to pop a widget and an animation should start (but does not without a long delay)

How close am I?

Is the widget showing already or we’re showing it on demand?

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Yes exactly right!
I’ll try to go into more detail in the future, i should have clearly stated that ofcourse.

We are showing the widget on demand using a visibility node! after a short delay of 0.75 seconds the entire actor gets destroyed.

I think i should also add that the widget does show up on demand but only the animation is not playing.

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Can we see when / where the visibility is changed? Here:


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(The highlighted one is for the pick up object the one to the left of that is for the widget as you might already see.)
The visibility is set immediatly after the the actor overlaps with the pickup object.
I hope this answers your question?

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As a new user i can only embed one screenshot in a post so sorry for the spam

In BeginPlay i set the widget to invisible

Hm. Can’t reproduce the behaviour. For me the animation triggers immediately, with no delay.


Can we seen the hierarchy of the actor. The component is attached to this mesh, right?

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Here is the hierachy.
The component is attached to the mesh.

What version of Unreal are you using if i may ask?

4.27 - same as you, assuming the OP has a typo

The component is attached to the mesh.

It’s not, all 3 comps are attached to the root. Attachment would look like this:


But your setup is more than fine (unless we simulate physics in this actor - are we?!). Even cleaner this way.

I wonder what else there is that could be causing this.

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Oh that IS a typo.

and no we are not simulating physics on this specific actor. only the ballpawn is use has simulated physics. might that be the issue?

but i honestly can’t imagine that being a problem

Very unlikely. How’s this looking on your end:

Can you also try this in the widget:


And trigger it in the actor:

Does it change anything?

Regarding the animation - does it involve some kind of transform where the widget slides into view from outside of the screen boundaries? Perhaps I’m testing this with something too simplistic.

I use Screen instead of world space.

Sadly, using your implementation also didn’t work out. and i can only upload one IMG per post

The custom Event was created inside the PickupText Widget

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Yes it does. but the transform animation isn’t super complicated. it doesnt slide into screen from outside the boundries.
Its a simple animation where the text goes up and fades. Here is the last frame of the animation:



Looks fine at a glance.

I’ve experienced component misbehaving, not initialising early enough - but this is something different. Taking into account all that has been said, I’m fresh out of ideas, especially that I’m unable to reproduce it on my end. From what was shown, it should work as is.

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You’re not running this on an absolute potato PC, right? Dusty 2.5" HDD, single core Celeron with 4GB RAM.

Trying to blame hardware for not fetching data quickly enough, even though it makes no sense -grasping at straws.


When the widget does show up and plays the animation after Delay, is this data correct? The score value adds up?

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