Widget Animation only playing after a short Delay?

Yes, the score values do add up. the data is correct. Literally everything works accept for the animation that will ONLY work with a delay of 0.1 or more.

If you ever get to the bottom of this, do tell. Was expecting to get the same result as you, but it seems to work fine on my end - hard to troubleshoot it this way. Sorry!

No problem. i appreciate the time and effort!
If i ever find out why this happens and how to fix it, i’ll update this thread.

Anyway, if ever anybody encounters this problem, putting in a delay of 0.1 seconds right before your animation node will solve this issue. The downside to this is that you won’t be able to create a function with that delay node still in.

There are things to debug this further - you could sample the animation in the widget. Query isAnimationPlaying on Tick:


The animation might be playing, the not updating visually. This could provide more clues as to which blueprint is the culprit.

Perhaps try using another Play node.

I was just looking into this issue myself. Embarrassingly I printed out the anims start time which came back as -1.9. I scrolled the timeline back and sure enough off screen there was the green start line back at -1.9 I must have dropped keyframes back there by mistake. Playing the animation and telling it to start at 0 is relative to the timeline, so it will still start at the negative time. Dragging the keyframes and everything else back to zero moved the start time back to zero and sorted it. Hope your issue is as simple as mine!

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Ehm. That would actually explain it all! But it seems OP has it set up OK:
