I am trying to learn about lighting just by reading different documents and watching tutorials. I currently have a project that I am working on and started running into an issue with some point lights in the level. I have 32 small ceiling light meshes that are in my project, each one has a point light that I placed around it to create the look of a lightbulb being turned on. These point lights are working fine and obviously do not light up the entire room. The issue I am having is with additional point lights. I am trying to place some around the room to create the effect that the ceiling lights are filling the room. For some reason when I place the lights into the level they work fine, but as soon as I build lighting only or the entire project, they go completely dark. The ceiling lights stay on though.
Here is a picture of the light placed before building. It’s not exactly where I want it but this is just for an example
Now here is what happens once i build
By the way im not trying to light the entire area shown in the pictures. Its just the area where the light is. I have read a few other issues similar to mine and tried to do some of the suggestions I saw:
- I made sure there is a lightmass importance volume surrounding the level
- I made sure that the light map resolution for the meshes was set higher, i used the recommended 128.
- I added a post process volume, didn’t adjust its scale. Just placed it as is in the room with the lights
- Added a sphere reflection capture, also didn’t adjust this.
I am not sure what they issue could be and would appreciate any suggestions or tips.