I’m on Funtoo (a variant of Gentoo Linux) and using LLDB 4.0.1 I would like to be able to debug my projects. I noticed that I have to build the engine with Debug target. But, also found out that I could build with the DebugGame target in order to be able to debug the game but get the optimization for the editor for most parts.
In order to be able to have Development, Debug and DebugGame at the same time I built the engine using the follwoing commands:
$ make && make UE4Editor-Linux-Debug && make UE4Editor-Linux-DebugGame
Now I have the following binary files inside my edtitor which I can pass to my ide to be able to run my game along the corresponding build of the engine:
But despite the fact that it was mention in the documentation at Compiling Game Projects | Unreal Engine Documentation I cannot find UE4Editor-Linux-DebugGame binary. Instead there are two text files named UE4Editor-Linux-DebugGame.target and UE4Editor-Linux-DebugGame.version.
When running the engine, it is important to use the Unreal Engine executable that matches the build configuration you rebuilt your project in. For example, if you compiled your project in the DebugGame Uncooked build configuration, you would run the UE4-Win64-DebugGame.exe executable with your game information as an argument. More information on the binary naming convention can be found on the Building Unreal Engine page.
Never mind. I figured it out after posting here. Just sharing it for the people that might come across this question.
First I had to build my engine, using the following set of commands:
$ bash Setup.sh
$ bash GenerateProjectFiles.sh
$ make # Builds the development version
$ make UE4Editor-Linux-Debug # Builds the debug version which is ■■■■ slow and is accessed through an excutable named UE4Editor-Linux-Debug, you might not want to build that
$ make UE4Editor-Linux-DebugGame # Builds an almost development version of the engine with ability to debug the game (preferred one), I use this one which works great. Note that it won't create a UE4Editor-Linux-DebugGame executable; Instead it should be accessed by running UE4Editor -debug as I'll exaplain below
Since I use Qt Creator as LLDB front-end, I wrote a set of scripts to generate the right settings for my projects in order to enable debugging inside Qt Creator. Here is my PrintQtCreatorDebugGameProjectSettings.sh:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
PROJECT_DIRECTORY=`dirname $(dirname $(realpath "$0"))`
echo "Projects > Build & Run > Build > Build Steps > Make > Make arguments ==> ${BUILD_TARGET}"
echo "Projects > Build & Run > Build > Build Steps > Clean Steps > Make arguments ==> ${BUILD_TARGET} ARGS=\"-clean\""
echo "Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run > Executable ==> ${ENGINE_DIRECTORY}/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor"
echo "Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run > Command line arguments ==> \"${PROJECT_FILE}\" -opengl4 -debug"
echo "Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run > Working directory ==> ${ENGINE_DIRECTORY}/Engine/Binaries/Linux/"
echo "Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run Environment > Variable ==> LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
echo "Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run Environment > Value ==> \":.:\""
Which gives me something like this:
Projects > Build & Run > Build > Build Steps > Make > Make arguments ==> ReminiscenceEditor-Linux-DebugGame
Projects > Build & Run > Build > Build Steps > Clean Steps > Make arguments ==> ReminiscenceEditor-Linux-DebugGame ARGS="-clean"
Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run > Executable ==> /opt/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor
Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run > Command line arguments ==> "/home/babaei/dev/Reminiscence/Reminiscence.uproject" -opengl4 -debug
Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run > Working directory ==> /opt/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/
Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run Environment > Variable ==> LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Projects > Build & Run > Run > Run Environment > Value ==> ":.:"
The key here is the -debug parameter which notifies the engine we want to run the DebugGame version of the editor/game. Note that for development or debug builds you should not pass -debug flag or the editor terminates with a few errors at splash screen.